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Third Person

Walking, walking that's all Draco ever did. Sleep never came, all he ever dreamt about was him... the boy who couldn't die, the boy who stole his heart. Now they knew. Daphne Greengrass has heard him and Pansy talking. A fresh wave of fear spread through him. That father would somehow find out. Everyone thought Azkaban would keep Lucius inside. Yet, Draco knew that yes the guards could keep mass murderers inside the prisons walls. But, they couldn't stop an angry homophobic father.
It was only a matter of time before someone like Daphne found out, she was surely going to spread rumors around Hogwarts. Pansy said that it was okay, that she would talk to Daphne. Pansy had been acting very un-pansy like. She has been almost caring... The sassy girl had always been Draco's friend, as they grew up together. Yet, they were both very guarded.

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