☆Moving To Los Vegas part 1☆

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*Its now 2019 and they are 16 and when they were growing up together y/n didn't know ondreaz had brothers*(m-y/n's mom j-josh y-y/n)

M-josh y/n do you guys have all your boxes packed


M-you excited y/n

Y-idk all my friends are here and I'll have to transition into a new school and make new friends...

J-y/n Its gunna be ok we are suppost to have all the same classes together so you will have someone you know there

Y-i know buy I'm just scared... like what if I get beat up the first day or if I embarrass my self.. or-

J-*interups* Calm down y/n it gunna be fine and if u do get bullied tell me and I'll talk to that person


M-ok guys let's go

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