12//Third Task//12

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"God I'm freezing." Hermione says as everyone walks towards the area where the third task is held.

"I'm fine." You say, "You're not focusing on the cold you're focusing on the task!" Ginny says.

You chuckle, "I'm gonna go," you say and turn to Fred. "Goodluck," Fred says and kisses you.



You run into the entrance first along with Viktor, Fleur having to stay behind a few more seconds because she didn't save her sister in the second task.

You turn a few corners and dead end.

You turn back around and turn a few more corners. "Stupefy!" Viktor yells, and you duck dodging the spell.

"Viktor it's me!" You shout.

You peer around the corner and then you see his eyes. "Who in the name of Merlin would put the imperious curse on you." You say outloud to yourself.

"Expeliarmus!" You say and his wand flies out of his hand. "Stupefy!" You then yell and he flies back. You run past him and see the cup.

You run towards it and grab it.

You expected to be brought to the entrance of the whole maze but instead your in a graveyard.

"Y/n!" You look up and see Harry being held by a tombstone?

"Harry!" You say and get up, "Watch out!" He yells.

Someone hits you at the back of the head and you pass out.


"Y/n wake up!" Harry yells from beside you. "Wake up Y/n." Voldemort says who is in Peter Pettigrews arms

"What do you want?" You hiss now fully awake.

"Your blood." Voldemort says. Pettigrew walks over and holds out the knife. You yank your arm away everytime he reaches for it.

"Stop it!" Pettigrew says,  "you wont get anything from us." Harry says.

"Bring him." Voldemort says smirking.

Pettigrew walks away and then comes back with (a made up character) Sam Wilson.

"He saw us take Harry, so either you hold out your arm or he dies." Voldemort says.

"Leave him out of this!" Harry yells. "I swear I didn't do anything!" Sam exclaims.

"Fine just take the fucking blood." You yell. Pettigrew walks over and holds out his knife. He makes a big cut in Harry's forearm and Harry yells out in pain, Pettigrew drops a drop into the cauldron and wipes off the knife.

He walks over to you and plunges the knife into your forearm, "fuck!" You yell out in pain and Pettigrew drops the drop into the cauldron.

"Finally," Voldemort says as Pettigrew drops him into the cauldron.

You and Harry watch the horrific scene play out as Voldemort transforms into an actual person. (My phrasing sucks)

The tombstone releases you and Harry making you two fall to the ground.

"Now you die!" Voldemort yells, "Avada Kedavra!" He yells and points at Sam.

"No!" You yell. "Y/n the cup!" Harry says and points to the cup which is laying right next to Sam's body.

Both you and Harry make a run for it. "Stupefy!" Voldemort yells, and you and Harry fall down.

"Avada Kedavra!" He yells but was stopped by a sort of force field surround you.

"Y/n, Harry. You have to get out of here!" You look up, "Mum! Dad!" You and Harry say.

"Oh look how you've grown." James says, "We can't hold him much longer, you have to get out of here." Lilly says.

"Take my body back to my parents." Sam says. "We love you both so much." James says.

"We love you too." Harry says and grabs  Sam's shoulder and both you and Harry place your hands of the cup and get thrown back to the start of the race.

You and Harry both start to sob, as everyone cheers obviously not knowing what's going on.

"Stop!" Dumbledore yells, "He's dead!" Bagman says.

"He's back! Voldemort's back!" Harry yells.

"Everyone go back to your dorms! Get the twins out of here." Dumbledore says.

"We got them." George says as him and Fred approaches you two.

You wrap your arms around Fred and sob into this chest.

"Come on love." Fred says and picks you up as you continue to sob.

Shitty chapter sorry

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