Chapter 2

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Darkness, screams, those eyes, that horrible laugh, that hungry smile, a flash of light then . . . nothing

. . .

Daniel is an average twelve year-old, He has blonde hair and a slightly muscular build. The only thing strange about him is his pupils take up most of his eyes. His mom tells him his eyes are beautiful, but he is bullied every day at school because of them.

This is the day his life changed forever. It was a normal day in Atlanta, Georgia. Daniel was getting punched in the face.

It was the usual bullies, Sam, Peter, and Philip. They are all more than three years older than Daniel. Sam is the lead bully, he has bleach blonde hair, he is more than seven feet tall and he looks like he could bench press a semi. Philip and Peter are smaller and dumber than Sam but other than that they are exact carbon copies.

They were walking down the street when Sam spotted Daniel doing his morning jog. So of course they ran across the street to mess with him.

"What are you doing, freak," asked Sam.

"None of your business," answered Daniel.

"Stop," ordered Sam

Daniel stopped and looked over at the hulking figure.

"I finally figured out what's wrong with you. You were born with a defect, but I'm going to make it all better," Suddenly Sam pulled a knife. "Let's get rid of those freaky eyes."

"No way!" Daniel yelled.

"Hold him down," Sam told Philip and Peter.

Peter jumped forward and punched him in the face. Then Daniel shut his eyes and yelled at the top of his lungs. When he opened his eyes Peter was on the roof of a department store. In the place of Phillip was a creature that looked like a three foot tall ape with a piranha for a head and small elephant ears and where Sam had been standing was a hulking green thing.

It looked like a man but it had bony plates like armor all over its body and spikes down its back onto its brawny tail. Its mouth was overflowing with deadly fangs and a long forked tongue. Its eyes kept changing into the different eyes of animals. And where the ears were supposed to be were two holes. But perhaps the most shocking of all was that he himself was changed.

His skin was blue! Not only that but his hands were webbed and clawed. When he looked at the two creatures in front of him there was a label for each of them in his vision, the big creature was labeled as an ogre and the other one was labeled as a troll. The only thing that knocked Daniel out of his stupefied position was the ogre barreling towards him.

He yelped in fright. With his eyes open he could see the incredibly powerful wave of sound blast the ogre into the asphalt. Daniel didn't wait for it to get up, he ran forward at inhuman speed and punched it so hard it crushed the ogre's skull. Soon the ogre started to disintegrate. The troll started to have what looked like a seizure. Daniel went over to him and tried to punch it too when it jumped up and grabbed his arm.

"Spare me and I will give you troll knowledge," The troll spoke this in Daniel's mind.

"Yes," said Daniel in a robotic voice.

The troll's mind started to pour into Daniel's. Memories and emotions flooded his mind. When his head felt like it was about to burst it stopped.

He looked down at the troll to find it fizzling away to nothing.

"I wonder why the troll was shaking when I went over to it'" Daniel said to himself. Suddenly he knew. The troll is like parasite, it has a host creature to make it more powerful. When its master dies it cannot control its body.

His body suddenly changed back to its original form. Then he noticed the tiny robots fixing the hole where the ogre had fallen, no words appeared in his head so he guessed that he had no knowledge in that department.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2015 ⏰

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