The Aether

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We prepared ourselves to go to the Aether so that we could possibly gain allies and weaken the Netherian's influence over them. Misty and I were wearing ender armor, Steve was wearing diamond armor, and Zombie Ruler, Nerdy Gamer, Tipicaltp, and Stormbrain all had Iron armor with diamond chestplates, and they had diamond swords. Tipicaltp was only slightly better at fighting than when he first arrived, but we hoped he wouldn't have to do much fighting. We had the materials to build the Aether portal, and Steve got them out of his chest. We built the frame and placed the water inside, and the portal activated. "Everybody ready?" Misty asked and we all nodded, except Tipicaltp who looked extremely nervous. "Let's go," I said, and we jumped through the portal.

To our dismay the portal was floating in the air about 50 blocks from the nearest floating island. Misty and I fell but flew back up, and Steve, Zombie Ruler and Tipicaltp fell out of the portal. Misty and I flew down to save them, but they were falling fast. By the time we reached them we could already see the ground to the Overworld, and it wasn't anywhere familiar. "Hold hands or we won't be able to catch all of you!" I yelled down at them. They grabbed each others hands, and we were getting closer and closer to the ground. I grabbed Steve, and Misty grabbed Zombie Ruler. The shock of the stop made Tipicaltp lose grip with one hand, and was slipping with the other. "Hold on!" Steve yelled to Tipicaltp. "I can't!" He yelled back. "Yes you can!" Steve yelled back at him. "Clbaez, we need to teleport back up or he might fall," Misty said. "On three, teleport back to the portal. One, two, three!" We teleported back up to the sky portal and Tipicaltp was about to fall. "Now to the floating island!" Misty said, and we teleported to the nearest floating island. We set them down and then landed. "Sheesh, that's tiring," I said. "Let's get them over here then we'll build a bridge," Misty said, pointing to Stormbrain and Nerdy Gamer. We flew over and teleported back to the floating island with them. We finally had the chance to take a look around, and it appeared as if this was a section that was uninhibited by people. We spent the rest of the day building a bridge that was three blocks wide to the portal. "It's getting dark, and we need to sleep," Steve said, and we all agreed. We went back through the portal since it was literally right there, and slept in Steve's house.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2014 ⏰

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