Letter - 26

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My dear Da!

How are you?? How's your job? Yunlan isn't bothering you too much right? If he did, just tell me and I'll handle him through gege. I'm so happy that both of you joined in our City police department. When I'm back we can meet daily..

Are you wondering why I'm writing a letter than talking usually through phone..

Because I've learned through my Gege that some words cannot be said through phone but can be expressed beautifully and completely through the letter.

So, here, I'm writing a letter to you and I hope you consider it as my first Love letter.

Yes Da.. What you read is true.. I Love You. I like you from the childhood and it turned into love without my knowledge. When Gege is speaking with me about you then I've realized I'm in love with you.

I wanted to propose this when I'm back to China but I don't want to take a chance. What if you love someone meanwhile? So, I'm taking initiative and proposing you. Will you be my boyfriend?

I'm coming back to China in 4 months. We can have our first real date then. What do you say??

By the way, I don't know if yunlan said this to you. They will marry when I'm back to China and gege asked me to be his best man. And they are planning to make you the best man for Yunlan.

We both make a great couple.. I mean great best men!!

Take care of yourself and be safe.

With lots of love

Mian mian

PS: you can give your answer through phone and I'm ready to woo you if you say no..

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