Small Talk

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  As Cyrus was laying comfortably on his twin-sized bed as he was listing to music,he saw the door open. There stood an almost series looking TJ. He quickly paused the song he was listening to and pulled out his head phones. "Hey,how are you?" Cyrus casually asked. "Good. How are you?" TJ asked. "I'm good. I went to visited a friend but I've been hanging out here for while" he informed. TJ just nodded. "Hey...this is a random question but what middle school did you go to?" Cyrus asked hesitantly. TJ already understood where this was going. "Jefferson middle,you went there too,right" he asked,feeling slightly uneasy. Cyrus picked up on the fact that TJ was uncomfortable and started to feel guilty."Yeah you,um,you looked familiar is all" Cyrus quickly dismissed."I'm pretty sure we met before. You were best friends with Buffy,right" TJ asked. "Yeah,I still am. That's who I went to go visit. When I told her your name was TJ she reminded me" Cyrus explained. "Yeah...I wasn't they nicest back then..." TJ muttered. "Yeah but that was a long time ago.Things change" Cyrus reassures. He knew a thing or two about people changing and becoming better.
"Yeah,your right on that one" TJ stated as he sat down on the end of the bed. "So,what's your major?" He asked,trying to break the ice. "Phycology. What about you?". "Music,I play the piano" TJ replied. "Oh,so that's why you have that" Cyrus then pointed to the keyboard piano and keyboard bench next to TJ's dresser. "Yeah I used to practice on my piano back home but sense I obviously couldn't bring a piano here,my parents got me a keyboard" TJ explained. "That's awesome. For me it was never really a dilemma what career path I'd choose. My mom and dad are both psychologists so I learned about it at a young age. Plus I was always kind of the therapist of my friend group. It was a no-brainer for me" Cyrus shared. He immediately become nervous. He felt like he was rambling.Something he often did due to his social anxiety."Music was a no-brainer for me too. I always gravitated towards anything musical" TJ replied.
  Cyrus nodded before hearing a *ping*. He looked  at his phone to see a text message from Jonah.
Jonah🥏:Hey I just got here. Want to help me unpack? Cyrus smiled brightly. "Hey,I'm gonna go help my friend unpack. It was nice meeting you" he said warmly. "Well you're certainly the social butterfly" TJ joked. Cyrus chuckled slightly "Not really, I just have three friends and one of them doesn't even go here.Trust,me I'm not very social" Cyrus replied as he hopped off his bed. "Well it was nice meeting you too" TJ said as Cyrus walked to the door. He gave a small wave to him before parting.

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