Fianguscolm #1

49 7 2

In which Malcolm becomes a trend and Angus meets his girl

And all ensuing consequences;

May cause serious laughter: stomach cramps, shortage of breath, some awing and possibly death

Read at your own risk

"Right, so jist wha' are we doing wi' our spring break?" Malcolm shot his brother as he exited the classroom, slipping his psychology textbook into his backpack.

"Aiee! Could ye nae hae waited until I was at least outside?" Angus groaned while stifling a yawn.

"Why? I've already been waiting an hour. Jamie wants to gae out this evening and then come back fer a marathon," Malcolm's words nearly tripped over themselves as they flew out of his mouth while he scampered to keep up with his brother's long stride, regardless of them being the same height.

"A marathon?" Angus blinked, coming to an abrupt halt. "Are ye no' tired enough from finals? Ye ken how long it takes to train fer a marathon? Are ye crazy?"

Malcolm nearly doubled over in laughter, several students going down the hall looking at the pair oddly. "Nae, daft limmer. A film marathon. Ye band together and watch a film or series all at once. Last one still awake wins."

Angus shook his head, reaching for his jacket. "Ye're crazy. I'll be sleeping so ye better keep the noise down."

At that moment, Jamie appeared round the corner, grinning.

"Yo!" Malcolm shouted.

"Yo? Wha' is yo?" Angus muttered, but no one heard him.

"Yo Malcolm! Has he agreed?"

"Has who and agreed to what?" Angus sputtered, rubbing his forehead as if it would help his headache go away.

Malcolm laughed. "He stayed up all night studying for an exam today. So pardon this poor mood boi excuse fer a brother. He's usually a bit more open-minded... Sometimes..." He glanced at Angus with a feigned look of concern.

"But has he agreed?" Jamie asked, adjusting his backpack.

"Aye, if we keep it down." Malcolm shrugged. "Let's go."

Angus shrugged his shoulders and followed them into the bright spring sunshine.

Malcolm and Jamie raced to the bike rack and were off, laughing, while Angus followed on foot, at a much slower pace.

"Malcolm! Be careful!" he shouted after them as they shot down the broad sidewalk, which was thankfully devoid of other students at this present moment.

"Och aye, I will!" he yelled over his shoulder before swerving to avoid a book that had fallen out of Jamie's backpack and promptly falling, bike, book bag, and all into the shallow pond on the other side.

Angus let out a most unmanly shriek and started running. He arrived with Jamie, who had cycled back and picked up the item that had caused the whole incident. But their worries proved unfounded, however, when Malcolm shot up out of the water, unscathed if entirely soaked.

"YEET!" he shouted, extending one arm straight out and burying his face in the crook of his other arm.

"Wha' the heck—MALCOLM, WHAT ARE YE DOING?" Angus was utter confusion. "This is nae laughing matter. If Mother could see ye right now, she'd hae a proper fit!"

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