Spears of Sense

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There are times when I
wish I could not speak.
Those times are
When I'm scared.

There are times when I
Wish I could not hear.
Some words are thrown
Like heart broken spears.

Some places I wish
I could not see.
The impurities of Life
Are piercing my dignity.

Evil will not end
If people play pretend.
Dancing around the fire
Of beginning and end.
We all need to
Send our hate away.

Meaning of words mean
Nothing when feeling doesn't
Exist or resist our
Ways of destroying them.
If one cannot feel
The bullets of hell,
One does not need
To feel for the
Spell has already begun.

I want to feel
The arms of healing
Comforting around my soul.
I do not want
The nonsense displayed above,
Only needing everlasting love.

Many things break my
Weak, broken-down glass,
But through the smash,
And the bam and
The crash, all
Can do is pray
My best.

So, even when pointed
Spears break my soul,
I will spread kindness
And love wherever I

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