Rant 1 - how im doing, i guess

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(April 3, 2020)

So... corona virus.

If you've been living under a rock for the past month or so, if the whole thing hasn't affected you somehow, or this is way in the future, then here's some context. Coronavirus is a thing. At this point in time, corona has gotten to the US (where I am) and it's caused some major cities to basically go into lockdown. I happen to be in one of the worse areas at the moment.

(note: i've done zero research on this, so some of this might be inaccurate. dont take my word for it.)

In my area, they shut down the schools back in March. We've been doing this distance learning thing for about 3 weeks. It's basically a thing where we just do school work during what would be normal school hours. It was kind of annoying at first, but now I'm used to it. 

Nobody is really leaving their homes, since they've also stopped most nonessential work to cut down on potential exposure and whatnot. I've never really kept up with news and all that, so I'm not the best person to hear this from. 

So, basically a tl;dr: Corona is pretty bad. Most people are just inside being bored.

I guess that's a part of the reason why I'm back here?  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Come to think of it, I'm actually kind of lucky. My school does block schedule, where we have 4 classes a day for about an hour and a half, but each class doesn't last the entire year. So, I only have to deal with work from 4 classes. Even better, the high schools in my area have gone into half day schedule, meaning less work and more free time.

So, I get more time to write, draw, sleep, and do whatever. =D

Bad news, though, is that we never go outside anymore, except to do essential stuff, like take out the trash. My mom is the one who goes out to buy stuff whenever we need it. Most of the day we're all just chilling inside. 

Uh... my dad tested positive for corona a few days ago. 

It's not too bad in here. He got quarantined in his bedroom right when he started showing symptoms, and my mom made sure to take every precaution. She sleeps in the living room, brings food to him at mealtimes, and FaceTimes him to give him "human" interaction (quotes because it's virtual, so...). I'm pretty sure he's just sleeping, eating, and watching anime all day. 

My mom's pretty serious about keeping the spread to a minimum. Since we only have one bathroom, she cleans the bathroom literally every time my dad goes. It's annoying, but necessary, I guess. We also live in a pretty small place, so there isn't really anywhere to go. 

My mom's started to feel a bit worse, so she's been telling my sister and I to try and stay away, which we do. The sad part is that she mostly occupies the living room, where my Playstation is. Yeah, I've still got my laptop, but it's kind of disappointing that I can't go on my ps4. 

Y'know, reading this over, I don't think I'm taking this too seriously. I mean, I get the weight of the situation. A large amount of people are getting infected, and the casualty numbers are rising, but I don't think my brain is exactly processing how bad it is, and it isn't reacting properly. Maybe it's because it's the middle of the night and im too tired to care, or something else. I don't know. 

I'm not entirely sure why im posting something like this. I'm probably going to cringe at this later on and delete/unpublish this. I guess I'm that bored.

Alright, time to move away from all that negativity.

As I said earlier, I've been getting back into writing and drawing lately. I'm even trying to get back into digital art. Y'all may or may not get an art post at some point. Most likely in the distant future. No promises, though. 

I'm also planning on writing more. So, hopefully that means more stuff in my oneshots book. I already did a thing with Petra as Romeo's champion in between episodes, so feel free to check that out if you haven't already and you feel like it. 

I am aware that I was MIA for quite a while. In all honesty, that'll probably happen again, but I don't think it'll happen soon. At least, I hope it won't. Anyways, while I was gone, I was getting into a whole bunch of other stuff besides mcsm. Not to say that I've lost interest in it, although my obsessions do depend from time to time. 

Lemme just say this:


pls check out she-ra on netflix if you haven't before. it's very gay and its a great thing to watch if you're bored at home or whatever. 

I've also been checking out a bunch of free games on itch.io, since i have no money to spend on "actual" games. There's actually a pretty good MCSM fangame on there called Trust Fall by Astral Autumn Games, or Ariza Luca here on Wattpad (although, she's been really inactive on here for a long time). I won't give too many details, but basically Jesse and the villains of mcsm go to a group therapy session and shenanigans ensue. It's a free visual novel on itch.io with some pretty great art and story, and I highly recommend it to any mcsm fans who still exist. 

I also found this really cute visual novel with queer, asian-american, teenage girls and baseball. It's called Butterfly Soup and I also highly recommend it to people who'll enjoy some wholesome queer content. There's also plenty of memes, and it's all around a great game.

Here's a little video from the creator. ^

Geez, this has basically turned into an advertisement. 

I think I'll end this here, before it gets any worse. If you're area is affected by corona, please stay inside and take health precautions and whatnot, yada yada yada...

Stay safe, people =)

- *finger guns* 🔥

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2020 ⏰

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