The bully

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Chapter 1

July 3rd, shipped off to new jersey, I hate this place but my mother thinks it will smarten me up, or what ever, I think she's just trying to send me away so she doesn't have to deal with me.I haven't even seen my father ever since I was two and now I have to spend a summer with him, my mother must have lost her mind, is she crazy? I don't know what he looks like I don't even have a picture, he's a complete stranger. Does she really think sending me to my dead beat dad is going to help? Well think again.

Just got off the bus, and seen a tall man standing there, I just kept thinking is that my father? He is way more then I expected, maybe this summer won't be that bad. Well what did I have to lose so I walked up to him and asked " are you Jim?" he laughed and replied with "not as far as I know" and he walked away and there standing behind him was a middle sized man. Oh no this can't be my father, ugh exactly what I expected, he was wearing a ugly stripped shirt with brown slacks he looked like he was going golfing or something. He walked up to me "are you my daughter Melinda?" I sighed "unfortunately".

The car ride to my fathers scratch that, he is not my father I'm just going to call him Jim, it was a awkward ride all the way there so I put in my head phones and Tried to ignore him as much as possible. Sadly my iPod died half way there and I had to listen to him babble the rest of the way there, it was torture, was he really trying to act like a good dad after fourteen years, wow my mom sure knows how to pick them, this guy is such a loser. Where do you even find guys like this? I tried to say as little as possible the most I said was " Jim, I'm going to pretend your not here it would be nice if you do the same". After said he didn't say anything after for the whole ride at least now I could hear my own thoughts instead of hearing his annoying voice.

went to my so called room, i never expected his house to look this good. How much money does this guy have? All this time he had all this money and not a dime spent on me, not even a birthday card, what a cheap ass. I sat in my room and watched t.v. sitting on my bed, if you can call it a bed it was a single and I need some space just cause I'm only one person doesn't mean I don't need my space.

heard Jim shout "supper time" I was so happy to hear those words for that bus ride made me really hungry, I hope this guy knows how to cook. I walked fast down the stairs almost tripping over my feet until I grabbed the railing. When I sat down and saw the food I was almost gagging, "what the hell is this? Do you actually call this food?".
Jim- "it's Kraft dinner, kids love this stuff, I'm not much of a cook."Melinda- "obviously, I'm not eating this shit". Jim- " okay, want to order some pizza then?"

I didn't say a word I just ran to the phone and started calling. After my call my dad loudly said " you have to stay down here to meet your step sister". No words came out of my mouth but my jaw dropped, I couldn't believe my dad has another daughter. I wonder if she is as much of a loser as him cause I for sure didn't get that jean. I just walked up the stairs while yelling back " I will meet her tomorrow, I can only deal with one loser a day".

I ate the pizza all to myself, I don't think I have ever ate that much before, now I was full and all warm I decided to get some sleep. Yay get to meet the other loser tomorrow.

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