Chapter 9

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Seonghwa's POV

I woke up and i saw Jongho is still sleeping "So cute" I said and slowly stand so Jongho don't get disturb i successfully get out of the bed and i leave him for a while

I'm eating a pancake while watching TV in the lobby and i saw Jongho coming down stairs "Come here Jongho join me here" I said and he walk towards me and he lean his head on my shoulder and cuddle with me "Why did you leave me there" He whine "It's already day time don't say that you're still afraid even it's day time" He didn't say anything and just nod "Oh well i cannot blame you" I said and let him sleep on me

He finally woke up and he look at me "Can i have that pancake?" I smile and nod "Sure you can" I gave the pancake to him and he start eating and also watching "Uh let's change the channel to the cartoon one" I change the channel because the channel i was watching is for you know matured things "Yes Spongebob" He was really happy to see his favorite cartoon

I'm still hungry so i look at the fridge and the fridge is empty "I guess im going to grocery now" I close the door fridge "Jongho stay here ok im just going to grocery" He only nod and he focus again to his favorite cartoon

I'm on the grocery now pushing the cart and picking some food that we can eat "Pork and beans or corned tuna" After thinking several times i chose the corned tuna. I was focusing on the shelves I'm not focusing on my way so i accidentally bump into another cart "Oh sorry I didn't mean to-" I was shock when i so the guy were I am bump "Oh hey there Seonghwa" It was Jackson, my oldest friend "How are you long time no see" I said

"Yeah..... Are you shopping to?" I only nod as a response "Oh yeah do you want to go party at the bar?"

"Of course my old friend, this is the only chance that we can bonding again" I say "So the bar name is Parteh all night"

"Oh yeah I know that" I already been in that bar and there was my first time sex ever "Ok see you later at 8:00pm don't be late" I nod and he left "I should start shopping again" I said to myself and start looking some foods again

Im already home and place the food in the table and transfer them to the fridge, I'm done keeping the foods and Jongho is still watching "Uh Jongho do you wanna come with me later tonight?" He look at me and he only "Hmm?" As a response "Do you wanna come with me In the bar later?" He shook his head "I dont like the place kinda making me unsafe"

"Oh ok then, stay here ok i will call San and Wooyoung to come here and sleep with you" He only nod and continue eating junk food "Where did you get that?"

"Oh this? I was keeping this in my room" He is been keeping a junk food in his room? I go upstairs to check his room his room looks normal i search every corner of his room but no junk food the only one thing left is his closet, I slowly walk and open it, the junk food fell from me and i out of balance "Why there so many junk foods here!" I shout and Jongho came "Hehe sorry i cannot resist eating them"

"For now you're grounded to eat this food"
"No buts" I said and he only pout

San & Wooyoung came early "Hey bro what's up" I only raised my hands slightly and sit in the couch "Why you two came so early?"

"We want to see our baby Jongho"
"He is only my baby" I said to them "But he is so cute" Wooyoung said and he pinch Jongho's cheeks and make me jealous


It's already time and im going to meet Jackson again "San when it's 9:00pm command Jongho to sleep and he will obey you" He only nod and start playing with Jongho again

I'm on the bar now and Jackson saw me and came closer to me "Hey there Seonghwa come with me I'll introduce you to my friends" I nod and i saw a bunch of guys talking in the corner

"Ok guys this is my old friend Seonghwa" I wave to them and also bow slightly, they all say hi to me at the same time

"Hi im Mark"
"Hi im Kris"
"Hi im Namjoon"
"Hi...... I'm Kai"

That Kai guy took a second to say his name, we seat and cheers

It's my 13th shot and i feel dizzy "*Hiccup* cheers" I said and we cheers we are all drunk except that Kai guy he doesn't drink to much "Let's go dance" The other dance in the center while me headed to the bathroom to vomit

Somebody pat my back and think who he is because my vision is kinda blured, after a second of thinking i recognize his face, it was Kai "Are you ok?" He said "I-im k-kinda d-dizzy b-but i-im o-ok" I said unclearly because im really drunk, i felt that he lift me and place me into bed I guess

I felt that he kiss my neck "Ugh fuck mmnp" I moan and bit my lower lip "Do you like it?" I hear that he talk "Fuck just do it" I really don't know why i said that but i like what he is doing

This is my first time being bottom and i felt like someone massaging my neck "Please just fuck me now" I don't know why i said that but he do what i say

He unbuckle my belt and removed my pants and boxer, he also removed his clothes so we both naked, he slowly insert his dick to my hole and when he fully entered "Aaahhh fuck!" I moan "Move!" I said and he start moving "Looks like someone is loving it" He said and he thrusts so fast "Ugh fuck" He keeps on thrusting until he came inside of me

"Sleep now............ Seonghwa" He said and fell asleep in his arms


I woke up and my eyes feel hurt "Ugh fuck why my ass feels hurt?" Someone moves beside me and when i saw his face i was shock "It's me Seonghwa you don't remember what happened last night?" It was Kai "No i don't remember?" He lean closer to my eyes and whisper "I fuck you last night" My eyes widened and punch him "I have a boyfriend!" I said and quickly dress to get away to this slut, im fully dress and i was to get away when he back hug me "Please dont go i love you" I didn't say anything and break his hug and leave him

In the house

"Jongho im home!" Jongho came out to his room and run towards me to hug me "I miss you so much" I stroke his hair "I miss you to Jongho" I break the hug and kiss his lips

"Ok love birds stop that it's gross" San said and i just laughed "Ok let's eat i bought a ice cream before it gets melt" They run to the kitchen because i bought they favorite ice cream flavors

After eating ice cream San invited me to talk something

"Hyung why you didn't get home last night?"
"Um San don't tell to Jongho this ok?" He only nod and didn't say anything "I was drunk and you know Jackson right"
"Your old friend" I nod
"I was drunk and one of his friends...... Fuck me" San was shock and slightly laughed "Why are you laughing?"
"Y-you're the b-bottom?" I nod and he laughed

I whack his head and groaned in painful "Hyung!" I didn't say and leave him

I look at Jongho's room and he was there, watching some cartoons at his TV "Jongho" He look at me and smile "What Daddy?" I walk towards him "Nothing i just want to cuddle you" I rub my head to his chest and suck his collar bone "Yah! Stop i don't want" I stop and look at him "Why hm?" He didn't say anything he just watch "Ok" I hug him and also watch his favorite cartoon

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