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It's been years since then and Hoseok found great pride in watching his band mates grow and flourish into their respective selves - Taehyung especially. The once shy yet charismatic boy had grown into a strong, empowering, beautiful, creative, and wonderful individual. An individual Hoseok was hopelessly in love with.

Though Hoseok had grown to be honest with himself, and he'd never forgive himself if he told a lie to someone else - emitting the truth isn't really a lie, is it? Especially when a relationship - hell, a whole band dynamic - depended on the harmony between each of the members. Though it hurt the rapper to see his Taehyunggie flirt endlessly with anyone in the vicinity, for it was the other's nature to do so giving his powerful charisma, Hoseok felt as if voicing his true feelings would ruin everything they had going for them.

If Hoseok had any idea that the other might feel even a fraction of what he felt for the younger, he'd happily proclaim his love for Taehyung to anyone who would listen - but given his own thoughts, it felt like that day might never come.

All thoughts of 'would be's ceased as Taehyung entered the room, arms laden with snacks and a smile plastered on his face. After closing the door with his leg, the blue haired male made his way excitedly to the bed. Hoseok giggled loudly as he was jostled by the others leap onto the mattress. The snacks for the current moment were chosen and nibbled on as they sat across from one another, knees touching gently and bottled drinks jostling in their laps when laughs happened to erupt out of their throats.

Their conversation was mindless as they finished their late breakfast, and once their hunger had subsided, they laid back down wrapped within one another. Hoseok insisted on his ear resting over Taehyung's heart, desperate to hear the steady rhythm of the one he held so dearly. Taehyung had no qualms about letting his hyung lay over him in anyway the other wished, and once settled he began to run his fingers through Hoseok's hair again.

It was no secret that Hobi loved his head pet, became extremely pliant and open in those moments- to see all of the tension drip out of his hyung's being was what Tae aimed for every time his nails came in contact with the other's soft hair.


Hoseok's voice was soft, muffled slightly from his cheek being squished against the other's chest.The resounding hum from the younger resonated deeply against Hoseok's ear.

"What do you think of me?"

The question was simple enough, but it made Taehyung pause just enough for concern to creep into Hoseok's mind. The elder sat up on his elbows for better access to the younger's eyes.

"Give me your honest opinion. All of it - I want to know what you think of me."

A few moments more were taken for Taehyung to put what he wanted to say into words. He had to be careful with what he said next, for if he were to spill all his love to the other like lava erupting out of a volcano, it might not go over so well with the other. He needed to tread lightly.

"I think you have a big heart." His fingers began tracing little patterns on his hyung's arm.

"I think you're the greatest dancer I've ever seen. You're one hell of a lyricist and you really know how to put melodies together like no one's business." Taehyung's smile was restrained with all the words he knew he couldn't say.

"I could say a lot more about you Hobi-Hyung, but I think you're the closest friend I've ever had and I'm always happy to spend all of my free time with you." The corners of his eyes softened as he finished his statement.

Hoseok smiled appreciatively and laid his head back down.


Hoseok's mind supplied. That's what he thinks of you as, just a friend and nothing more. The elder couldn't help the tears that began to well in his eyes. He felt like so dramatic - shedding tears over being called a friend. A voice in his head began to nag incessantly - Now you can never say anything, he squeezed his eyes shut, trying to will away the hole that lay inside of him, all too keen on swallowing him completely and sending him deep within his own thoughts.

"Hobi-Hyung, are you crying?" Taehyung sounded concerned, trying to pull the other up to where he could properly see the other's face. "You are! What's wrong?? Was it something I said?"


"No, no." Hoseok wiped his eyes, "You're just too kind, thank you so much for thinking so highly of me." He forced a smile as Taehyung wiped his tears. Tears that were formed from a breaking heart.

Taehyung will never love you in the way you wish.

"Don't doubt yourself, hyung! So many people thing the same thing. You really should know how loved you are by others." Taehyung hugged his hyung close to his chest.

Loved by everyone but the one you've saved your heart for.

Hoseok tried to calm his aching heart by pressing his ear to Taehyung's chest, the slow rhythm calming but still just as painful to listen to. Every beat that his ear was graced with shattered him further.

You've made your bed Hobi. Now lay in it.


[Third chapter done!]

[Third chapter done!]

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