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Lost in a world, not of my own choosing.
Beautiful, damning...

December 21st, 2020

The sky was black, no light to be seen. There was a strange absence of wind, everything was still. There I stood, at the top of the highest skyscraper, prepared to jump to my death. Hey, if you're reading this, this is my second journal. I do hope you've read my first.

I stood at the top of the Empire state building, as my life flashed before my eyes. I gave a sad bitter laugh, my eyes redder than blood, black tears falling down my face, as my wings unfurled in the darkness, my heart beating erratically. This is it. The final showdown. The place where I'd finally meet my destiny.

I took a deep breath, then gave shrill scream, as glasses shattered to pieces as far as the eyes can see.

"Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?" I screamed at the sky, my voice reverberating, shaking the very core of the world. I could feel the power tearing through me, the darkness threatening to overcome me. I was lost, lost in the war I caused.

What lengths would you go, to be all powerful?

I remembered those words as I prepared to end my life. Everything was over. Dean Olsen was gone, all that was left was a shadow of who I once was.

My eyes burned as black tears rained down, blacker than the darkness itself. I craved power, ultimate power. But, to what purpose? I once wished to be the most powerful being in the world, but then I realized, everything comes with a price.

Are you willing to pay the price?

I took a deep breath, tucking my wings in. Then, I fell. From over 100 storeys.

Finally, I was going to be free.

Or, was I?

Finally, the book two is here. Who missed me?

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