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The wars are not always bad,
Yet they bring an unrivaled pain.
Not all good intentions,
Are worthy of being called good.
For Lucifer himself,
Was once God's favorite angel.

Brian's POV

  I was uneasy, very. It wasn't that hard to pinpoint what it was that made me feel that way; it was as easy as pie. But then, the presence of one such as him did not bode well for the future, not in the least. He oozed a kind of energy I couldn't hope to combat in a thousand years. His name was Baél, and since I've known him, he's been nothing more than a person to steer clear of completely. Calling him a person was a stretch; what do you call a person who couldn't die? What do you call a person who was too beautiful yet dangerous enough to wipe out all of the earth with the snap of his fingers? That person was either God or the Devil, and no matter how good he looked, he was worse than Lucifer in the flesh.

  All those years, I never expected the tales of devils and beings too powerful for The Guardians,  were real. I was content to let those tales remain something out of a book or a nasty nightmare, but after the Battle Of Eden, I didn't have such luxury anymore. Brian, or rather, Kale Dennison, was shaking in his boots. But then, who'd blame me? I was staring at a being who shouldn't have existed in the first place.

  I huddled closer to Raven, Brianna, and David while Dean went to question him. Baél was in school, and no matter the explanation, we were all in danger. Thinking about laying a finger on him was like trying to catch a tornado. He was above our level, in a world of his own. Dean was obviously the best choice to question him, but I was wary too. What exactly was Dean? What sort of creature was he?

  He was too powerful, powerful enough to be unfazed by the pressure emanating from Baél, who sat in the farthest corner of the room. I was having a budding headache, but I ignore it. It wasn't the problem; there were more important things to deal with.

   "What do you think he wants?" Raven asked in a rare show of bravado even though I knew that she was quaking in her boots. I admired courage, even masked fear.

   "Well, I don't think there's anything he wants that we can give him," I answered matter-of factly, not sure I could take it anymore. The mere fact that I couldn't decipher what he wanted pissed me off to no end, but I schooled my expression into one of nonchalance as I thought about the next step to take. What exactly could the Elites do against him?

   "But, he can't just be here by coincidence, can he? That doesn't just happen, yeah?" Raven asked again, maybe in a bid for me to reassure her, but I wasn't in an optimistic mood, not in the least.

  "I don't think a being like him would be here by coincidence. He's too smart and too powerful for that. Maybe this was our oversight, expecting him to be one of those trapped in the abyss." I muttered inaudibly, as though talking to myself, but they all heard anyway.

    "Why do you sound so... fanboyish?" Brianna spoke for the first time since we started the emergency discussion, and like always, her words carried enough weight to halt all conversations we were having prior to that. I thought about what she said, and there was nothing to say to defend myself or come up with a reasonable explanation for it. I knew what I sounded like; I'd heard it in the voice of Tyler before. It was akin to hero-worship, and I knew that for a fact. I hadn't felt something like that before then, but the sheer power emanating from Baél humbled me immensely, and it only reminded me of one person, Tyler; it I missed Tyler, every little thing reminded me of him. The way he laughed even in grave situations and made everyone laugh too. He was a breath of fresh air, and if he were there while Dean interrogated Baél, he'd probably make a few quirky jokes in order to lighten up the atmosphere. I used to hate his resolve, used to loathe his hero worship of Dean.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2020 ⏰

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