It's my fault

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"It's all my fault."

Tina was pacing in Theseus's living room. "Tina, you can't keep beating yourself up about this. If its anyone's fault it's mine." Theseus tried to soothe her. "I could have stopped him." "I, I'm going for a walk. I need a moment to think."


In the park, Tina sat on a bench and put her head in her hands reliving that day's events.


They found him.

Carrow and another acolyte were dueling with two ministry Aurors, deflecting their spells with ease. One narrowly missed Tina who was dueling with Vinda. A terribly aimed spell broke them apart and they lost each other in the battles.

Tina found herself in the midst of the battle. She fired a spell at an acolyte and turned to find someone to help and seeing Queenie dueling with an Auror. Tina started toward her when a flash of blue made her turn. Newt was backed against a wall, deflecting Grindelwald's curses, barely getting in his own.

Time seemed to slow as Tina struggled to make her decision. Help Newt or, go after her sister. Tina noticed Theseus dueling his way toward her. They ended up back to back, each dueling an acolyte. Theseus realized her dilemma. "I'll help Newt, Go." He blasted his acolyte backward and stunned hers. Tina nodded her thanks and rushed after Queenie. 

"Queenie!" "Tina?" Queenie turned seeing her. "No, go away Teen. I don't want to hurt you." "You don't have to. All of this," Tina gestured around her. "Can stop. All you have to do is put down your wand."

"I'm sorry Teen. I can't do that." "Then I'm afraid, that I have to do it for you." A tear slid down her cheek as Tina flicked her sister's wand out of her hand and into her own. "Queenie Goldstein, you are under arrest."

Then all hell broke loose. Grindelwald had reinforcements. The ministry and MACUSA Aurors were forced back as the acolytes fought with renewed force from seeing their reinforcements. Tina grabbed Queenie's arm before she could escape in the chaos, and apparated away.

Jacob was waiting for them from where the Aurors had set up camp. When Tina apparated back with Queenie he practically fell out of his chair. "Q-Queenie? You-you came back." Queenie looked away from his hopeful face.

After a few moments more Aurors started apparating. Theseus made his way through the chaos toward them. "Queenie I presume?" "Nice to meet you." A ministry employee came up to Theseus and said a few words. Theseus turned to them with a sigh.

"look, I know you were just reunited but Queenie has to go." "Go?" Jacob echoed. "G-go where?" "She'll be perfectly safe," Theseus reassured them as Queenie left with the ministry employee.

"Have you seen Newt?" Tina asked, watching her sister leave. "As a matter of fact, I was just about to ask you that same question. So that means you don't know where he is either." Tina shook her head.

"Where did you last see him?" Tina asked, "By a wall, fighting Grindlewald. Don't worry," Theseus added. "If I know my brother, he'll turn up sometime, whether you want him too or not."

He didn't turn up. Tina, Theseus, and Jacob were searching the battlegrounds. "Where was he last?" Tina turned around where she was standing. "I'm not sure, It all looks so different."

"Here, he was here." Tina turned to see Theseus standing before a collapsed wall. "How do you," Theseus interrupted Jacob by pointing to a hole in the rubble. "It collapsed on him and he dug himself out."

"But, and this is just a theory, but what if someone else dug him out. Like if he was unconscious or something." Jacob trailed off. "Well, then we would know if he was in a hospital or something. Wouldn't we?" Tina asked.

"Unless," Theseus started, "Unless they have him."

---------Somewhere in Austria (Real-time)--------

Newt woke in a dim, unfamiliar room. He was lying on a bed, the lone light bulb flickering every few seconds. A voice floated to him from outside the door.

"Is he going to be ok?" They asked. "He should be," Another voice replied. "Will he remember anything?" The first voice questioned. 

A pause.

"No, I don't think so." "Shh, I think he's waking up." A third voice joined the others. A few seconds of shuffling, a crash, and a few swears later the door opened causing Newt to sit up.

"Mr. Scamander, how do you feel?" A figure stepped into the room and under the light. His hair was whitish blond and the light threw his features into high relief. He had a thin white mustache that matched his pale blue eyes.

"I'm, I'm ok." Newt scooted closer to the wall and farther from the door. "Do you, know who I am?" "I'm sorry to say that I don't." Newt avoided eye contact. "Well then, Mr. Scamander, or can I call you Newton?" "Newt, I prefer Newt." "Alright then Newt." He held out his hand and gave Newt his wand back.

"I, am Gellert Grindelwald and we have just saved you."

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