Chapter 2: The Laughing-Girl Drawing

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I had three more classes before lunch. I followed Rachel's notes. I arrived five minutes early. I sat at the front of the class. I didn't correct the teachers, even when they were wrong.

When the lunch bell rang I went to the cafeteria. Rachel had said that Sofia would look for me, but that if she didn't find me, I'd have to sit with other people my age.

"Excuse me, how old are you?" I asked the girl sitting at the table closest to me. She glanced over her shoulder.

"Um, fifteen..." she trailed off as I moved on to the next table. They were all either fifteen or sixteen, too. They all stared at me. I traveled to another table and asked again. Pretty soon I was aware of everyone in my vicinity staring at me, watching as I looked for another eighteen-year-old to sit with.

At one point a young man with green eyes and dark hair leaned back in his chair, his hands behind his head, "I'm nineteen, but I'll lose a year for you, sweetheart," he crooned. "Along with my self-control." A round of whistles and shouts chorused from his friends, except for Barbara, who sat at the same table. Her arm was in a sling, and she used the other to slap him.

"Oliver!" she said angrily, "You idiot! She's the one who attacked me!"

"Her? Hot mama, did it burn when she touched you?" he roared, and everyone joined in. I did not understand. Barbara grew bright red and stood up. In a single fluid movement, she dumped her tray on Oliver's shirt, and then stalked off.

"Barbara!" Oliver stood up, groaning. "Come on, I was kidding!" I watched him chase after her. When he reached the door to the hall he turned to look at me once, with a look that contrasted his petulant expression. For a long moment, I continued to be the center of attention. But then suddenly I was only half of it. I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned around and saw Sofia. Her hair was pulled up and she wore a short purple dress and black sandals.

"Hey!" She smiled. "Where have you been? I looked everywhere for you."

"Obviously you did not, since you did not find me here," I answered. Sofia took my arm and lead me away from the crowd. Everyone watched us leave. I did not disarm her.

"You're right. Let's sit. Have you gotten food yet?" We walked over to the table she pointed at and she placed her backpack on its plastic surface. The chairs were fixed to the table.

"No," I told her.

"Okay, well the lunch counter is over there." She indicated behind me. "I brought my lunch from home so I'll save our seats while you go. The meal is five dollars."

"Yes," I said, pulling out the money Rachel had given me from my backpack. Then I crossed the cafeteria and went to stand at the back of the lunch line. The counter was covered in loose meatballs and lettuce leaves. I peered through the glass pane at the food, and then looked at the my schedule. Rachel hadn't written instructions about what to eat, and I didn't have to check to know that none of the foods were labeled "Alice" like at the house. I looked back at Sofia, but she was talking to someone.

"What are you having, honey?" I turned to look at the cafeteria lady. She held a bowl in one hand and a pair of tongs in the other. Her hair was collected in a black net, and her cheeks sagged downwards. I glanced over my shoulder to see who she was speaking to, but she was looking directly at me.

"Are you asking me?" I clarified.

She raised an eyebrow, "Do you want lunch, or not?"

I didn't know how to answer. Rachel never asked me if I wanted anything. She either gave it to me or didn't, and I was expected to respond accordingly. Richard occasionally asked me if I wanted coffee, but it was never a serious question. I deduced that the lunch lady expected an answer. I opened my mouth to speak, but nothing came out.

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