"you bastard."

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TW: 18+ content.

Elise's POV:

I give him a weak smile "are you ok? Do you need anything? Food? Water? Uh more blankets? Less blankets?" He asked holding my hand, I shook my head to him. I try to speak but everything hurts then I manage to get some words out "you're tired, I'm in pain" I looked at him seeing how exhausted he was. He looked me and shook his head "I'm not tired...I didn't mean to bite you" he said in a low voice "it-it just happen-" I put my hand out as an indication for him to stop, "listen...I ran out, I was terrified and confused...I-I still am" I say slowly and quietly so I don't hurt my throat too much. I was crazy to think I could just run in the road like a maniac and not get hit, good thing I was just bumped a little bit.
I watch as the doctor came in "Ms. Jones it looks like you have some sort of venom in your blood that's making you weak...we can get you started on some medication and antibiotics to hopefully flush the weak stuff out and the medication can help any pain you have" I glance at Lucifer who's eye where wide, same with mine. I look back at the doctor with a confused face, they then explain a little more "it's eating away at you like a type of parasite...umm we uh don't exactly know what it is, I'm so sorry but we ask that you come in twice a week so we can check in on you and maybe run some tests" I sit up a little, Lucifer walks up the doctor and says something. Of course he's whispering to him, does Lucifer know what's happening to me...?
Am I gonna die?

Lucifer's POV:

I whisper in the doctors ear, very quietly so that Ms. Eavesdropper can't bud in "I am Lucifer...I know I sound like a fucking idiot but I can send you to Hell right now if you don't let her come home and my father will not be pleased with you...I can heal her, and I swear to god if you do anything I will rip your guts out and feed them to your family and coworkers. Hell, even your pets. Your family will be in years and years worth of debt and you'll lose your licenses as a doctor. Got it?" I lean away from the doctor, they clear their throat and look at Elise, their expression is making it obvious they're nervous and scared. A sight I like to see. "Ms. Jones I am so very sorry, see I accidentally got your charts mixed up...you may go home but rest alot and try to only eat soft foods...also have plenty of liquids" he said to her as he fumbled with his glasses while looking at the chart.

Elise's POV:

I sigh in relief and start to get up, I don't think the doctor was being serious. I probably do have a parasite and Luci just forced him not to tell me, which is fucked up. He should at least let me know what's going on with my body. Once I got dressed and got all of my things we're ready to leave, he drives me back to my place. He followed me up to the door and inside, that's when I turn around and stare at him dead in the eye "y-you bit me...I don't believe a word that doctor said" he sighed while closing the door. Then he put his hand underneath my chin and lifts it a little "this isn't gonna hurt, I promise love" he said softly, I tug my head away "no, don't-" and suddenly I feel all the energy I lost flow back into me slowly, like he's transferring it back to me, he lets his hand drop to his side and wipes my neck with his sleeve. "The doctor was right, your charts were swapped...I told him to check the name at the top, he saw he was mistaken" We walk inside, he's gotta be really dumb to think that I would fall for that? Then he picks me up and hugs me "Lucif-" he rests his chin on top of my head, wait why does this feel so nice to be in his arms...? That's when I smell it, I inhale deeply, cigarettes. The gross cheap ones you get at a local gas station. "I want to know what you said to that doctor, I really have a parasite don't I?" I look up at him, backing away from the hug. "Elise, it's be-" "you bit me, now I'm dying? Is that it?" He sighs heavily and tried to speak but I keep talking over him. I need answers and being a bitch won't help but neither will having him here. He can cause more or less problems, I need to decide whether or not he can stay...and how long he'll be gone for.

Lucifer's POV:

"Please get out, I'll call you or something when I figure this all out for myself." she says to me, I'm taken back by this a little then I nod and wave to her before I leave her apartment. I sit in my car and yell at myself mentally, why did I bite her? I'm such an idiot! I close my eyes drifting away in my thoughts, I soon fall fast asleep. My dream is nice, just me and her together on my couch, laughing and smiling. Being happy with each other...I want her to be happy, even if that means I'm not in her life...God why am I so obsessed with this mortal? Is she worth it...? A bang on my window causes me to wake up, looking at my window being met with Elise standing there. She taps it with a baseball bat "you up?" she asks me, I nod then get out when she told me and stand next to her. She wraps her arms around me and hugs me "I was about to bash your brains in but some angel or demon...some fucking per- being told me what has happened to me and to not bash your brains in because you love me which is hard to believe...but according to you and the being who spoke to me while you slept for 13 hours, I'm your soulmate. If I tried to kill you it would go well, plus I would be all alone and being alone isn't fun" I smile and she hugs me, yet not letting go of the bat. Shit, I slept for 13 hours?? Once we go back inside I see her look in the mirror, she gently brings her hand to her neck "it hurts...but only a little bit" she says looking at the bite mark I made. I look at her while admiring her beauty, the way she looks amazing in almost anything, her hair, her smile...She turns back to me "you're staring Lucifer..." she whispers, I rub the back of my neck and sigh softly "I-I'm sorry, you're just beautiful" I smile awkwardly and she hugs me once more then whispers softly into my ear.

"you bastard."

Damn I'm exhausted, I should get to bed. I wish I could tell her about what's going to happen...I just want to tell her everything, go into depth and explain what's coming and how everything will be. Would she trust me if I tell her everything? I wonder who that being was that talked to her, hopefully she wasn't still loopy on pain meds...well after like an hour or two you kinda think they'd were off. So maybe she actually did talk to somebody...Could it be Sebastian...?

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