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🐾Y/n POV🐾
I ran into my dorm room slamming the door behind me panting. Phoenix looked at me curiously. "What's wrong with you?" She asked. "Where's Spot? Is she okay?" I asked panically. "Uh ya she's on your bed" She said as Spot set up on the bed her ears perking up. "What's up with you?" Phoenix asked obviously concerned. "Do you know which Vk's came today". I asked. "Uh Maleficent's Daughter , Evil Queen's Daughter, and I think Jafar's son..." she started, "and Cruella De Vil's son". I finished. "So?" She asked. "She's that devil lady that tried to skin Spot and her brother and sisters". I said, my face turning red with anger as Spot whimpered. "Oh yeah!"Phoenix said remembering the name. She then smirked and startled singing.
"Cruella De Vil
Cruella De Vil" She sang stamping her foot on her. As I frowned at her.
"If she doesn't scare you
No evil thing will
To see her is to
Take a sudden chill", she sang creeping around me.
"Cruella, Cruella De Vil
The curl of her lips
The ice in her stare
All innocent children
Had better beware" She said, swinging on the bed posts.
"She's like a spider waiting
For the kill" She said, jumping on me causing me to screech.
"Look out for Cruella De Vil
At first you think
Cruella is the devil
But after time has worn" I smacked her arm in anger before laughing and decided to sing with her. Spot barked as well.
"Away the shock
You come to realize
You've seen her kind of eyes" We sang together.
"Watching you from underneath a rock!" We said fiercely.
"This vampire bat" Phoenix sang
"This inhuman beast" I backed her up.
"She ought to be locked up" She sang
"And never released" We sang in unison.
"The world was such
A wholesome place until
Cruella, Cruella De Vil" I finished.
"See even this silly song my dad made up agrees". I said. "Hey you can't hold a grudge against him he is not his mother". She objected. "Well that's easy for you to say. What if it was Governor Ratcliffe's kid"? I asked as she gasped at the name. "You have a point... whatever, let's get to lectures". She said as I grabbed my red backpack and Spot's leash. "Let's go Spot" I said, pulling on her leash as me and Phoenix walked to Agri. We met up with Elinor ( Merida's Daughter), Elysium (Elsa and Jack Frost's Daughter) , Herkie (Hercules and Meg's Daughter), and Kenzie (Granddaughter of Simba and Nala). "Dude you just gotta let it go"! Elysium said. "Yeah just like an arrow from a bow. Take a shot at life". Elinor added. "Yeah but he's my enemy". I complied. "Hakuna Matata". Kenzie said. "It means no worries". She said, "Look sometimes bad things happen but we just have to put them behind us". She explained. "You know you're right, it's time to befriend my enemy." I said as everyone cheered. Then the bell rang signaling it was time for lunch.

🐾Carlos POV🐾
I couldn't stop thinking about Y/n! She was like some kind of drug I wanted to see here. Bad Carlos! Don't think about her like that you're supposed to hate her! The bell rang signaling that it was time for lunch. Me, Mal, Evie, and Jay sat down at a picnic table. "Hey Carlos". Someone said making me jump since I knew exactly who it was. I turned around to see Y/n. "I... ya". I said as she sat down next to me. I look over and see everyone smirking, even Mal! I swear I'm gonna skin them alive! "We'll leave you two to talk". Evie said, still smirking, getting up along with a smirking Mal. I glared at her how dare she leave me alone with my enemy. I looked at Jay who was watching us amusingly. "Jay!" Evie exclaimed, waving him over. "Sorry" He said, zooming to her side. "Listen... I'm sorry that I ran off earlier, the truth is I was scared. You see because I'm a Radcliffe." She said as if she was guilty. "I knew that ''. I said coldly. "Why are you being like this? All I'm trying to do is try to be nice!" She said, raising her voice. "In case you haven't noticed, I'm a villain's kid. I'm the bad guy! Why don't you just go back to your stupid 101 dalmatians!" I fought back. "It's 100,001 they all have kids." She said. "Whatever" I said dryly. "Look just hear me out, and if you don't agree that's fine, but just hear me out. I think we should put our pasts behind us and start along with the new generation and be friends' ' She proposed. I sat there and thought about it. I mean I was attracted to her and it felt right but Mal, Evie, Jay, and I were about to take over the world. "Y-you want to be my f-friend?" I asked as she nodded. "As long as you promise, no more villainy!" She added. I smiled "Me too, I promise". I said. "Great see ya around frienime!" She said jokingly, while punching my arm playfully. I gripped my arm and groaned in agony, "you know for a good kid, you have a good punch." I said rubbing my arm. "You know  for a villain's kid, I don't see you as a bad guy". She said as I scoffed. "Maybe villains aren't as bad as you thought." I said. She giggled and gave me a hug probably thinking none of it. "Maybe your right" She said walking away. Little did she know that she made me fall in love with her even more. I sighed, already missing her, getting up and going to find my friends. I don't know how this 'taking over the world' thingy is going to work out between me and Y/n.

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