Drabble 18

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Part 2 to Chapter 9. And yes, there will be a part 3


Bree sped in with the chip extractor and handed it to Donald. She couldn't bare to look at her little brother on the floor when he was clearly angry at her. But she couldn't pull away. Her dark brown eyes couldn't stop looking into his hazel ones. And despite all the anger and fury she could see, she could also see a deep hurt. One that she had caused.

She barely registered Donald taking out her brother's chip until he handed her the extractor with the chip on it and told her to hide it. He was actually scared of what Chase would do, and she was too. She sped out of the room, and stuck the extractor with the chip on one of the shelves in the art vault. Even if he was evil, she knew her brother wouldn't torture himself by going in there.

When she got back, she couldn't even look any of them in the eyes anymore and choose to look down at her tan snow boots instead. That's when Donald's voice broke through the deafening silence building up in the lab. "Adam, Bree, go help Leo unfreeze Tasha and Janelle. I need to speak with Chase alone."

The three kids nodded and went upstairs, leaving Donald and Chase alone, and the silence took over again for a few moments before he finally asked his son the burning question. "Why would you team up with Douglas?"

"You're asking that question?" Chase seethed as he stood up from the chair he had been sitting in since Adam let him go. "I wanted to feel important, needed, like I mattered. For once. Here I'm just the glue that keeps the important ones together. I'm constantly overshadowed by them, and while I'm pulling the weight, they're getting the praise. Can you blame me?"

"You were willing to hurt your siblings, Chase. That's not okay."

"I can't believe this." Chase mumbled under his breath before looking back at Donald. "So if I hurt them, it's not okay. It's enough for you to take away my bionics. But if they hurt me, you won't move a finger. It's okay for the older siblings to beat on the younger one. You know what, that probably is what you believe, given how you treat Douglas."

"He is evil. You are not. You don't have to do this." Donald recovered quickly, trying to pretend like that comment hadn't stung.

"I shouldn't have to put up with the teasing either, but I have. Until now. I'm sick of it, and I'm sick of you not doing anything when you walk around acting like my father."

"And Douglas has acted like a father?" Donald questioned as he crossed his arms over his chest. It finally made Chase go silent as he took a moment to think, before he spoke barely above a whisper.

"At least he saved me."

"We tried to find you, Chase." Donald assured as he looked at the hurt in his eyes. "Douglas got to you before we did. The storm was getting worse and there were more avalanches. I wasn't going to lose all three of you. And once the storm cleared, we were going to go back and bring you home, no matter what. Douglas just wants you to be his weapons. He doesn't want you to be normal kids."

"I don't believe a word you say." Chase seethed, the hurt being replaced with anger once again, but Donald sighed as he conceded.

"I get it. You're mad at me and your siblings. That's understandable. But Leo and Tasha could've been killed cause of your actions. And even if your siblings and I can defend ourselves, they can't. So, just know that what I'm doing is for your own good."

"What are you talking about?" Chase questioned, shocked to say the least when Donald grabbed his arm firmly before moving him over to the capsule, opening the door and nudging him in before shutting the door and locking it. Chase banged on the door, unable to open it as he shouted. "Hey! Let me out!"

Donald stood in front of the capsule door, a look of regret, guilt and determination crossing his face. "I'm sorry, Chase, but no one hurts my family. Not even you."

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