Itami to Fukushū no megami: info

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The Itami to Fukushū no megami is a woman/spirit that can shape shift into anything and Hypnotize anyone with her hypnotic voice. She only associates with children...especially ones that have been hurt or wronged in one way or another...but those children that have been bad will be fatally punished...for the children that have been wronged she will care for them...and take them to her home and punish the ones that have wronged the child in the first place...but sometimes she'll get too attached to the child and plan on keeping them with her forever even if it means she has to get rid of the former family of the child....

Her back story is that when she was a child her family abused both physically and sexually...and when she got older and got married her Husband Abused her mentally,verbally,Emotionally and spiritually.
She had the most Beautiful singing voice in all of Japan but her family would make fun of her because of it and tell her that she was a nobody and that's what she'll always day she snapped and killed her entire family plus her husband and hid the bodies...eventually she ended up with a Kind young man and had two children both of which were a nice house but one day two home invaders came into the house killed her Husband in the middle of the night tied her up and forced her to watch as they raped and murdered her sons right in front of her...she was able to escape and kill the two home invaders....but she was a wreck afterwards....she walked towards her sons lifeless bodies and was too much for her to handle so she walked down to the river and drowned herself...and now her spirit wreaks havoc on those that hurt children it do didn't matter what race the child was or how you hurt them she'll will end up killing you in the end....every since then their have been spirits like her all over the world even in America some have even claim that the spirit is her.....People say she does this cause she she is still suffering eternally from the the way her family treated and cause of the death of her second husband and sons....  but who knows?

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