Chapter 1:Arriving in Mystic Falls

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Ellas Point Of View:

It has been over hundreds of years since my parents died.My name is Ella and I am 209 years old. My parents were Katherine Pierce and Matthew Pierce. What my parents did not know was that I was turned accidentally,but this handsome man called Klaus at 17 years old.Since then I have been searching all over trying to find a place to stay. I had heard of this place called Mystic Falls.Apparently,there were some vampires there,so maybe I could become friends with them and have a place to stay.I ran and ran for my life,seen as though there really was no point going on a plane because I hadn't been on one in over 50 years! While I was running I came across a forest so I decided to run through there and I might just catch a snack! Just then I bumped into someone! I looked up and saw a tall man with black hair,black jacket and well everything he was wearing was black! His eyes were gorgeous! I knew what he was hint the blood around his mouth and the dark vans under his eyes! I was going to say something but before I could he held me up by my neck!

"What do you want Katherine!"he spat with venom in his voice! How did he know my mother, now I had to get my acting skills together!

"Who's Katherine cuz I'm not her!"I spat back,he released me and stared at me with guilt in is eyes.

"Who are you and what are you doing her,If your not Katherine then why do you look like her?he asked, I knew he wad testing me he was still mysterious! But if I told him he may not except me!

"I am here because I have no where to stay and I am Ella....... Mongro but I do know who this Katherine is!" I explained, looking into his crystal eyes.He believed me,he actually believed me. Instead of answering he ran off!

"WAIT!"I shouted at him,he stopped!But instead of a reply he just ran off with me.I fell asleep.When I woke up I was in this dark room.

"Hello sleepy,time to wake up,"someone peered over me.

"Ahhh don't do that,"I explained rubbing my eyes.He just laughed at me! He wasn't the guy from last night.NO! This man has bronze hair but had the same eyes as the mysterious man from last night.

"Who are you, your not he guy I saw last night?"I questioned him.He shook his head.

"My name is Stefen Salvatore,the person you saw last night wad my brother,Damon Salvatore,I was wondering why you look alot like Katherine?"he asked , there it was again how did they know my mother.

"I'm Ella.....Mongro, and it's nice to meet you Stefen but like I said to your brother I do not know who this 'katherine' is but if it not much to ask I have no place to stay and....."I began but was cut off.

"Say no more your welcome to stay as long ad you like but just please stay away from elena,"he said,Elena? I nodded.

"Well if that's settled then let's get ready,"he answered getting his bag! What?

"Ready for what?"I asked. He laughed.

"School,"he said.

"SCHOOL!"I screamed, this day just gets better and better!

Thanks for reading my story please rate and comment

Hope you liked my first chapter the next one is coming very soon!!

Ellie Kiddell xxxxx

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2012 ⏰

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