Mm monkey

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Guys since I don't post much I just gotta say-
You should watch smp live they're very entertaining OwO
-Oz POV-
I exchanged a startled glance with OneToePic then fuckin skeeted into the building he had went into. I ran to the nearest bathroom and heard soft sobbing coming from the stall farthest from the door.
I knocked and realized he forgot to close the door. Fuckin dingiss. I snorted to myself then realized how fucked I was for laughing.
I opened the door all the way and went to go hug the crying click,but he just pushed my away and stood. Despite the tears staining his cheeks, his eyes blazed with new found anger.
"James-" I was cut off
"No. Just- no! You have absolutely NO idea how much pain you put me in!" He spat the words out as if he just had ate some nasty fucking toe cheese.
He got close to my face and seemed disgusted.
"I take the time to fucking care about you,I worried about everything I did or said because of you! And you just go off and fucking date some other fuck. And I'm just left here, sitting and wallowing in self pity." If glares could kill, I'd be dead as shit.
He pushed me back,causing me to fall. He walked off and out of the door. I just gaped after him.
Soon OneToePic came in and helped me up.
Damn sorry not sorry

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2020 ⏰

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