I.《Black box》

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I was sitting in the dark on the ground . I lost track of time . I just can't stand this anymore, fear and despair were killing me slowly ... my tears were burining me , the muscles of my chin were trembling like a small unprotected child.
I am hiding from someone ... . I saw him last night from my window , he was watching me from a distance . I don't know him , I don't even know what he wants from me !
He knows where I live and he is here to kill me I am sure ! Worse maybe to torture me.
It's frustrating ! sitting here helplessly , hiding from the unknown .
Maybe if I told the police they might help me but I know very well they won't believe me I don't even remember his face precisely because he wears a big hat that covers most of his face , I don't even know his name , so they will definitely think I am some histrionic woman seeking attention.
I don't know what day is it , but it feels like eternity , waiting for my fate ..

Suddenly , I felt like everything stopped when I heard a noise coming from my door .
, I thought my heart was going to explode with fear I was in a complete state of panic .
Someone is behind the door . And I have two options : waiting for my death or fighting for my life . And I chose the second option .

Adrenaline pumped through my body .
I am going to open that door , I don't want to be a coward anymore.
I opened it slowly and carefully , no one was there but something caught my attention, it was a black box . I didn't know what to do at that moment.
" It's just a box right ? "
I was getting calmer , I needed to be strong.
"Calm down , calm down , take a deep breath "

I Opened the box slowly , my hands were shaking but I was so curious so I couldn't stop .
Oh my gosh!
It's a human finger and blood , a lots of it.

My stomach clenched I almost vomited and my body felt numb .
I sank to my knees and I started sobbing desperate and mortified.
I was going to die .
I was screaming like a maniac :" WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME ? "

"Miss , miss are you ok ?"
It was a woman wearing a medical white coat.
"Who are you ? Did you put that box "
"What box ? I don't understand you "
" that box beside you for God's sake! Can't you see it Or are you working with him ? Did he send you to torture me ?"
"There's no box in here , this is just your dinner !"
" STOP ! stop lying to me. You want to kill me don't you"

I was furious , I need to run away from here . He found me !
rage and frustration were fuelling up my soul.
"Get away from the door or I am going to kill you"

"Calm down please, I am doctor lee and you are in a psychiatric hospital . You are here because you need help .You were admitted last week"

"Stop lying, I don't want to hear your crap anymore. Get out of my way !"
"This is the truth , you suffer from paranoid schizophrenia. No one is here to kill you "

I was fed up with her lying , I was going to hit her with the bedlamp but I felt something in the back of my head: a needle.

She drugged me.

Red. Everything went red. My eyes were heavy and my legs felt weak, I felt numb, Dizziness consumed me and I thought I was going to hit the flour but someone caught me and put me in my bed .
I heard so many voices , but what stands out was that soothing "beep" coming from the machine next to me , it felt like a lullaby . I was peaceful .
sinking into oblivion , the last thing I saw was the dinner plate : a sausage not a finger and some sort of red sauce not blood .
There's no BOX!
And at that moment I was afraid and terrified of myself, of my twisted mind ...

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