It isn't that bad.

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Y/N POV - 6 pm

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Y/N POV - 6 pm

"Okay, can you hear me now?" I asked hoping that this damn voice chat finally worked. "Yes, I can hear you," Soyeon answered which made me relieved. "Gosh, this took an eternity." Yeeun sighed. "By the way, I have some good news for you Yeeun. I read that the beginning of the game is very peaceful."Soyeon said trying to cheer Yeeun up because she was still afraid of that game. "The beginning. THE BEGINNING! WOW! How long is the beginning? 5 minutes? What about the rest? Why is the rest of that game pure horror? Oh god, I already regret agreeing to this." "3 minutes," Soyeon said trying not to laugh at Yeeun's words. "3 minutes what?" Yeeun asked. "The beginning of that game. It's 3 minutes long." After that being said there was silence for a few seconds. "Well, how about we start the game already?" I suggested and they all agreed. (Yes even Yeeun agreed even though she feared what was going to happen.) Soyeon didn't lie, the game started very peacefully. I played a little girl, Yeeun the mother and Soyeon a teenage girl.

Authors POV

At first, there was a little instruction that included a hella long text which described the history of that family. To make it short: In every generation of that family, the youngest started to see demons and ghosts at some point in their life. Besides that, every 7th father died from a heart attack. (The reason for that will be explained later.) In this generation (the generation that you are playing) the father already passed away (also because of a heart attack.) But there is a difference between this generation and the previous ones. In this generation, everyone can see those ghosts and demons. The game starts with a peaceful family dinner. When it's time for your character to talk, you can choose between 3 options. So basically you can decide what your character says.

Mina (Y/N's character/the youngest in the family) was the first one to talk. She tried to convince Mrs. Page (Yeeun's character/the mother) to buy her a new doll because she lost hers. The conversation continued for a while (to be exactly: 3minutes) Mrs. Page eventually agreed to buy a new doll for her daughter which made Mina jump happily through the whole house but she stopped in the kitchen. It was that time. The time where the youngest saw a ghost for the first time. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she saw that weird creature that looks like her dead father. "D-daddy?" she said with a shaky voice and right after that everything went black. "Omg, this was already too much for me. Can we play animal crossing instead?" Yeeun already knew that no one was going to agree to that but she still acted like she was disappointed when Y/N and Soyeon disagreed. The next scenario of the game started. All the characters were in different rooms and every room was dark because the electricity has failed. Mrs. Page and Lisa (Soyeon's character/the teenage girl) had the mission to find Mina. Meanwhile, Mina tried to follow the ghost and talk to him which wasn't that easy because ghosts can go through walls and well....humans can't. "Y/N where are you?" Soyeon asked. "Second-floor children's room." "No, you aren't. I am there and I can't see you." "Soyeon I am right in front of that bookshelf and the ghost is sitting on the bed whispering some weird things to himself." "Y/N... it's not the ghost who is sitting on that bed. It's my character." "Nah... I am pretty sure it's the ghost." "Guys I don't wanna interrupt your conversation but I found Y/N's character. She is in the corner of the living room. Soyeon please come here and go to Y/N's character. I don't want to go to her. She looks scary." "Okay wait for me. I am on my way." Soyeon went into the living room and as Yeeun said, Mina stood in the corner of the room. As soon as Soyeon entered the room with her character a cut scene started to play. Both characters walked towards Mina. Mina's head hung low until the other characters were only 1 meter away. Mina looked up to them. Her eyes were black and blood was all over her face. She screamed, Lisa's and Mrs. Page's sight became blurry and eventually, they fainted. "Omg Y/N I think you killed us," Yeeun said almost crying because the scene scared her to death. "What are you saying? I am still following that gho-... okay nevermind he disappeared....... Wait... I heard your characters screaming." Now Y/N ran with her character into the living room and there she saw Mrs. Page and Lisa laying on the floor. She ran towards them but before she reached them the scene ended and the screen went black again. "I think it's time for a break. I already had enough." Yeeun said after a moment of silence. "Okay but only 10 minutes and then we will continue." The 3 girls grabbed some snacks and started to talk about the game while eating. "I have to admit that it isn't that bad. I mean it's hella scary but also kinda funny." Yeeun said. "Oh come on. The first 2 scenes weren't that scary." Soyeon answered. "Yeah, it really wasn't that scary so far." Y/N added. "Who developed the game at all?" Soyeon asked. "Kang Yeosang. I never heard of him before if I am honest." Y/N replied. "I read that this is the first game he developed. I think that's why you never heard of him." Yeeun said. "Yeah probably. Anyways... 10 minutes are over so let's continue with the game. I want to know what happens in scene 3." Y/N answered and they all started to play again.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2020 ⏰

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