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I heard Tony shouting out my name but I just kept walking.

Tony: Emily *tired*

I stop

Emily: What? *annoyed*

Tony: Where are you going?

Emily: Clearly away from everyone *turns the other way* Look I don't want to be friends that like each other anymore, I just wanna be friends

Tony: What?! I like you

Dixie: Clearly not, You told Addison you like Kalani, You broke her heart Tony.

Tony: Yeah I do like Kalani that doesn't mean I stopped liking Emily.

Charli: Tony she needs a break, It was bad enough that Emily got accused that she cheated on you but really it was her cousin you had no trust in her yet she gave you another chance and you blew it.

*Emily isn't there*

Dixie POV

I was pissed off at Tony for not telling us not even Emily which he knew she had feelings for him and he had feelings for her. But no she found out through Addison.

Dixie: Tony you literally broke her heart you were the one who she liked. I don't wanna see my sister broken all over again her past boyfriend was enough

Charli:I don't want you near her Tony.

Me and Charli leave to Emily who is crying.

Dixie: Emily *hugs Emily* It's okay you can find someone better than him

Emily: B-but I r-really l-like him *cries* 

Addison: Hi *smiles*

Charli: What do you want!

Addison: Woah calm down I did nothing.

Charli POV

Dixie and Emily went to the car.

Charli: You did, You knew Emily feelings for Tony yet you didn't wanna tell Emily. *scoffs* Yet you said that right in front of Emily face.

Addison: Yeah I knew Emily liked him but they weren't dating so who cares, Emily needs to move on Tony doesn't like her anymore.

Charli: So your telling Emily to move on when you can't move on from Bryce. What friend are you! Not only Tony hurt Emily but you did, I don't think she wants to be your friend anymore nor do me and Dixie. You hurt Emily. *mad*

Addison: I never wanted to be your friend in the first place!! *shouts* Your just fake that hype should've came to me not you!

Charli: I'm happy we are over, I'm happy I got the hype because really your fake. You should've stayed with the hype house. *leaves*

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