the morning

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it was morning time and jr woke up 

jr: oh boy it's morning time! wait what's touching my hand..?

jr looked down to see cody holding his hand, he immediately moved his hand away


cody: what? oh, that must have been an accident

jr: whatever cody, just don't touch me again!

cody and jr went downstairs for breakfast 

chef pee pee: here you go, fruit loops and eggs 

cody: i love fruit loops and eggs 

jr: me too, thank you chef pee pee! 

chef pee pee: just eat your food 

cody and jr ate their breakfast and then walked over to the front door

cody: well bye jr, i'll see you at school later 

jr: bye cody 

jr waved bye to cody as he left and got ready for school. later on jr went to school to find cody crying at his desk 

jr: cody? why are you crying? 

joseph: dude, he's been like this all day

jr: what? why?

joseph: i don't know, he didn't tell me 

jr: cody why are you crying?

 cody: because i'm grounded..! my parents took away all my stuff and i'm only allowed to leave the house to go to school! i have to wear my broken glasses as part of my punishment.. 

jr: oh, well that sucks

joseph: dude, he looks really sad.. we should do something

jr: like what?

joseph: um i don't know what does cody like?

jr: ummm.. oh i got an idea! hey cody

cody: what jr..?

jr: here you can have this candy bar, i brought it with me 

cody: thanks jr.. 

jr: feeling better?

cody: i mean a little bit, not really though.. 

joseph: be happy that you got a candy bar, i gotta catch my own squirrels to eat 

jr: that's weird joseph

joseph: i can't afford normal food jr, it's not my fault my mom is dead!

jr: i mean we don't really know that joseph 

joseph: shut up jr! 

jr: hey cody wanna come to my house after school?

cody: jr i can't i'm grounded

jr: oh right, your life sucks cody 

cody: i know! 

cody just started crying more 

joseph: wow you're really helping 

jr: his life does suck though, i'd hate to be cody

cody: don't rub it in.. 

cuts to after school 

joseph: well see you guys tomorrow 

jr: bye joseph, come by my house later

joseph: you got it dude

cody: bye jr.. 

jr: you're still sad cody?

cody: of course i'm still sad you idiot!

jr: jeez you don't have to be rude!

cody: sorry, i'm just really upset.. 

jr: ok well bye cody 

cody: wait jr before you go can i tell you something?

jr: sure i don't care

cody: ok.. jr i like you, i really like you.. 

jr: yeah i know cody, you make it really obvious 

cody: well jr do you wanna be my boyfriend? 

jr: you mean like me and you dating?

cody: yeah, i'd be really happy if we were dating!

jr: ew no! cody that's weird and gross! 

cody: i knew you'd say that.. 

jr: i'm going home now cody, have fun being grounded 

jr and cody walked back to their houses. later at jr's house 

joseph: wait he really asked you that?

jr: yeah, he's so weird! 

joseph: to be fair jr you acted a bit mean about it

jr: how!? i just told him he was being gross and weird! 

joseph: that's a bit mean, dude 

jr: you think so? 

joseph: yeah, you could have been nicer 

jr: fine, i'll apologize tomorrow 

it cuts to jr laying in bed 

jr:"ugh why would cody wanna date me anyways? that's so weird and gross! ..he did say it would make him happy though.. he has been pretty sad.. maybe if i- no! what am i thinking!? that's weird! even if i did it would only be until he was happy again.." ugh cody why do you have to be so stupid!! 

chef pee pee: shut up and go to bed jr! 

jr: sorry chef pee pee, i love you

chef pee pee: well i don't love you, go to bed! 

it cut to the next day after school

jr: hey cody

cody: hey jr.. 

jr: i'm here to apologize about yesterday, i didn't mean to be so rude

cody: well thanks jr.. 

jr: hey cody

cody: yeah? 

jr: well um.. look i don't.. it's not like.. ugh cody i'll be your stupid boyfriend! BUT only until you're not feeling sad anymore

cody: r-really?


cody: i'm so happy thank you jr! 

jr: whatever cody.. 

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