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I have no ideas so I don't think I'll continue my book


I wake up in a room with no windows but a twin bed ,a bedside table, a dresser, and a bathroom

Than walks in the governor, I get scared and try to move away but see there is a chain to my leg to the walk

"Hi lily I happy to see you w a wake"

"Please let my go" I cry

"Please don't cry my love"

He walks over to my and stabs my with a needle

I start to feel funny and I smile

"I feel so funny"

"I happy to see you happy penny"

"I'm not penny silly I'm lily" I laugh

"You are just like her you know"

"Who? penny I like that name"

"Do you want to know my story but only if you tell me yours" I say smile

He smiles and says you start... I tell him my story and he tells me to call him daddy I don't mind because I'm so happy

"I had a wife and a daughter they we my life I was weak before this happen no one thought of my of a guy that could do things. my wife died before all this happen but when me ad my daughter ,penny, where trying to leave she got bit. I find this town and got people to help me to get it safe. I keep penny but I had to let her free when I found you lily your my daughter and you will not leave me"

He than grabs me and hugs me I start to cry because that such a sad story

"Dot cry lily it will be ok"

I than hear gun shots still high off the drug he have me I laugh

Daddy leaves telling me he'll be back

I hear Carl I get happy because he's so cute

"CARL" I yell than my door open and Carl runs in looking happy to see me

"Hi Carl you'er so handsome and I Lowe yooouuu" I giggle

"Lily what happen to you"

"Nothing daddy was soooo nice but he have me this magical needle to make me feel happy. he has such a sad story"

Carl then picks me up and caries m to the group he then brings me to a car and there a woman there

"Hi I'm lily and I love your swords"

"What's wrong with her" she ask Carl but before he answers I say

"Daddy gave me something to feel happy" I say smiling

"Who's your dad" Carl ask

"The governor he said to call him daddy because I look like penny but she died"

"What did he do to you"

"I don't know"

Just than Glenn and Maggie get in the car and Maggie doesn't look so good

"Lily are you okay" Glenn ask

"Maggie" I say and give her a hug and she cries into my shoulder

"Shh it's okay nothing going to happen"

I than fall a sleep with Maggie crying in my shoulder

I wake up feeling my self again in my cell I walk down to see everyone sitting there when I get there I'm given a hugged by Carl and Maggie


"We missed you" Maggie gushed

"You were out for 2 days"


Ok hope u like I don't own any characters other than lily
I know it's short but I'll update soon

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