The Girl Of His Dream

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‘Yuto... ’

‘why?..... ’

“, hey, Yuto. ” A shake woke Yuto up to be welcomed by his work mate, Takaki.

“Geez. Don't you find comfort at home to sleep here? ”

“Takaki kun... No, it's a lot comfortable here. ” Yuto giggled as he stretched himself.

“Anyway. I took permission for you to go home. You don't look well. ”

“Ehh? But I'm oka- ”

“Listen to me. You really don't look well. Now go, I'll call you to check on you. ”

“You are weirdly kind today. ” Yuto laughed making Takaki raise an eyebrow.

“Really? Pfft- my bad then, go home now or do you want me to call the manager to give you an overtime today? ”

“What? No! Don't take it back now. Yeah. I'm so tired~ I'll go home now. Jaa mata ne? ”

Yuto rushed out of his workplace passing by a park. He doesn't really feel tired as Takaki told him earlier so he decided not to go home yet and watch kids play in that park.

He took a seat on a bench there watching the kids playing happily. It makes him happy too in a way or another.

The dream he had earlier of a so pretty girl flashed on his mind again and made him wonder who that was. Could it be she is what they call ‘the girl of his dreams’?  

Because he feels something inside him shake every time he saw her there. He wanted to talk to her, but every time he wants to ask about who she is, she disappears.

He turned his eyes to not a particular place in the park. As if it was instincts, he saw that..... Wait, that's a boy?

He rubbed his eyes in surprise seeing the girl of his dreams, but as a boy in there now.

The male was sitting on a not too far bench , working on some blueprints . He is an engineer , Yuto guessed.

He was hesitant at first to approach him since he doesn't know him at all. And it's the very first time seeing that person around even though he has been living here as much as he could ever remember.

But he approached him anyway. His inner self kept telling him to do so.

“Hi! Can I have a seat here? ” Yuto smiled requesting politely. The other looked up at him from his papers and gave him a smile that almost made Yuto melt.

“Mochiron, Dozo. ” Yuto nodded and mumbled a quick thanks then sat beside him.

Yuto watched the other as he is staring at the blueprint silently.
It was weird. He didn't move to make any changes to it . Just watched. He thought that maybe the other was calculating something from these numbers written on the same paper in the corner.

“Is there some error with it? ” He thought out loud while his eyes are glued on it. Got the older(?)'s attention to him.

“No? I'm just thinking what would my beloved person love to add to it. I built it somewhere near. Do you want to check it? ” Yuto looked at him and smiled shyly yet too impressed to really show much of shyness.

“Wow! You built it yourself?! I'm sure the one you love is so lucky.. I'd love to see it? I don't really know much about architecture but, maybe you should ask someone's opinion about how it seems.. you want to surprise her? ”

“Unn. I'll ask for marriage along with this surprise. "

"That's amazing. You seem so serious about your relationship. ”

The Girl Of His DreamWhere stories live. Discover now