Something In Common

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"You have so many Barbies! Where did you get them all?" I hear Mariana ask Frankie as the two were playing outside. I was so happy they could play together and had been for the past two weeks and had really become friends. It was nice considering my daughter was shy and it was very hard for her to make friends. But Frankie really was a sweet kid, and I was learning as time went on that Stef was very kind herself. We had even talked a few nights on her porch and  it was starting to be something that I was looking forward to. Sure some nights Id see her our there with Mike, who I myself couldn't stand for he was really, really pretty much using her but  it wasn't may place to tell her that. Not in the least.

"My Mama got them for me. We can share them all the time. You can borrow them too."

"Oh cool. You are really nice Frankie."

"You are really nice too Mariana. Which doll do you want to play with? Pick anyone you like!!"

"MM the one with the blue hair."

"Oh that's Jem! Sure." I watch the two from the front door as I sip my beer for they were both so sweet. Sweet as pie as Frankie looks to me smiling wide. I can't help return it and feel Jesus slam into me.

"Caa I have some cookies Mama!!"

"Um no. You may have a piece of fruit ok?"

"Ok!!" He says running off.

As the night wares on and I feed the kids dinner and put them to bed like clockwork I tie up my trash and head outside. Once again I see Stef sitting on the porch smoking away as she turns around to look at me smiling.

"Like clockwork you bring your trash out the same time everynight." I hear her say as I walk out my home and laugh. I learned she was a real comedian as I rolled my eyes playfully seeing her laugh. Walking past her I head down to the curb placing my trash back on the curb and head back up the walkway.

"I could say the same for you Stef."

"True creatures of habit huh?" she smiles and I return it. "Unless you come out here because I'm out here!"

"Ha you are funny!  Hardly Stef." I tease back as I now take a seat next to her on the porch.

"Yeah? How much trash can you and your two babies make? Huh?"

"You would be surprised. My daughter mainly. She's always drawing and coloring then throws it all out because she hates it. Then my son he, he is a mess. He's always spilling or dropping breaking things. But I'm sure you get all that."

"I do definitely get it." She says taking a puff as I eyeball it. She must pick up on my cue as she hands me the one she is smoking and smiles. "Have a few puffs I know you need it."

"I quit last week. But sure." I laugh as I look out onto the street watching the cars pass by. As we both sit and smoke in silence I turn to look at her profile noticing how attractive she really is and I have had to stop staring and catching myself a few times. I knew she was straight and I knew she was with Mike even if he was married. I wasn't about stepping over boundaries. 

"So how was your day Stef?" I ask taking a puff and handing it back to her.

"Not too bad. Not too many people grabbing my ass at Hooters." she laughs and rolls her eyes as I do the same.

"Oh god. Fucking assholes."

"Tell me about it. I can't wait to find something else. I'm telling you. I can deal with the dudes at the bar but Hooters is a whole other story."

"Need me to come up there?"

"Yeah I know you're not past knifing someone." She busts out laughing as I can only do the same. "No, I'm ok and I still want to thank you for being so kind to my son Lena. I know he is different then boys his age. He always has been and I've seen it more and more the older he has gotten."

"He's a sweet kid. I have no issue. Really not. Different isn't always bad but when you're his age it is. And I'm sorry for the crack about your son Brandon. It wasn't right of me."

"Ahh don't stress that Len. Brandon is an ass and a bum. He's in jail right where he belongs for stealing from his job. Who the fuck does that. I certainly didn't raise his dumb ass to do that." She says puffing on her smoke. "He's a fucking dumb ass."

"I'm sorry Stef. That can't be easy." I sooth as she puffs her smoke and looks back at me with a forced smile. She was so intense and she was very hard to read. Usually I was good at reading people but she was rather difficult.

"Ahh it's alright. He's dumb as shit like his father. But your kids are cuties! Real sweet babies."

"Oh thanks. They are sweet."

"Yeah I can tell. You have help with them? Iv'e seen your Mom a few times." She ask breathing out smoke as she hands it back to me.

"Yes my parents help as much as they can. Their father well...hes not around right now." I roll my eyes as I feel her glare.

"He left you?" 

"MM he's locked up for stupidity. Couldn't keep his ass out of trouble. So I took his kids an d have been raising them for him."

"MM. That's commendable of you. That shit isn't easy either Lena. Not by any means." She says looking at me rather intense.

"You are commendable as well. With your granddaughter taking care of her on top of everything. I only have two kids but you handle four."

"Ahh, I'm not the best example. Not by any means." Shaking her head I place my hand on her arm.

"Why do you say that?" I ask softly as she looks to the ground and back up at me. "Because of Brandon? Stef,  I know for a fact you didn't raise him to mess  up in that way. At some point people make their own decisions about the people they wanna be."

"You think so?" 

"Yes. To be blunt I did alot of shit as a teenager. Like alot. I drank, smoked, hung out with gang members, and sold drugs."

"No shit Lena Adams?" Looking surprised at me I laugh as she is still rather stunned. "No wonder you're such a bad ass huh? I would have never thought."

"Don't judge a book by it's cover." I smart off as she smiles at me. "But my parents didn't raise me like that, that's for sure. But I had my own mind. Believe me."

"Yeah I know you did. I can see that shit." She laughs as I turn to her smiling yet again just admiring everything about her.

"Mama?" I hear seeing Mariana come out the apartment in her slippers holding her blanket.

"Hey whats wrong baby. You are supposed to be sleeping."

"I had a bad dream."

"Aww it's ok I'm right here." I say picking her up as she rest her head on my shoulder and I kiss the top of her head.

"Hi Stef." She whispers as I turn to look at my neighbor who softly smiles taking Mariana's hand and holding it.

"Hi babygirl. Try to go back to sleep love."

"Ok." She whispers sleepily.

"I'm going to put her back to bed. But have a goodnight Stef."

"You too Lena. Goodnight."

"Night." Heading back into my apartment I can't help but turn around to look back at her as she is already looking back at the street thinking heavily. But as I watch I see Mike pull up and roll my eyes at the site of him. Hopefully one day she would see she deserved better.

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