An icy welcome

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Haven't slept in 2 days despite being in quarantine and literally being allowed to sleep whenever please kill me heres a sleep deprived chapter I will certainly regret later. Sue me I cant spell.

All italic words (like this) are dragon language cuz we have some misunderstandings to make known.

Kirishima flew towards the south. He didn't really know where he was going, but it felt like this was the right direction. He soared over mountains, villages and rivers.

Stopping along his journey he landed at a lake to have a rest, the sun already low in the sky. He'd been there no more than 20 minutes before he was surrounded by people attempting to scare him off or kill him.

Taking to the now night skies he thought back to Bakugo, and how kind he had been on their first meeting. How he had noticed what had been wrong and saved him from a life of imprisonment.

By now Kirishima's wings had started to hurt. He had never flown for this long consecutively and his stamina was terrible because of it. Slowly landing in the forest he shifted and scrambled up a tree as fast as he could.

He sat there motionless for what felt like an hour before he seemed it safe enough to climb down and walk. His shifting abilities had gotten alot better, and with the large coat he had he could hide his wings, the only part of him he had trouble with.

Continued his treck on foot Kirishima soon found himself trudging his way through thick snow. The wind howled ominously as hail buffeted his face.

His body temperature was dropping fast and he knew he needed to find shelter for the night. Dragons couldn't drop below a certain temperature, they could die. The fire in their hearts that made their flame was vital.

With his eyes barely open he continued to walk, till in the distance he spotted a small cave opening. Hurrying as much as the deep snow would allow he eventually collapsed inside. Curling into a ball his body shivered uncontrollably as it attempted to generate some sort of heat.

Opening his mouth he let out a breath, hoping for some sort of flame. Anything. But nothing happened. Running a hand through his hair he gripped tightly to it, hoping the pain would keep him conscious. But soon he drifted off into the world of fantasy.

As his body lay defenceless in the snow, the creatures nearby stalked the grounds. They could smell the intruder and they didn't like it. Following their noses and their eyes they soon found the nearly snowed in cave, and soon the half buried dragonling.

Bakugo stood as he watched the empty sky. Kirishima had long since disappeared. He had marveled at the way Kirishima's red scales had shone in the sunlight. Like rubies.

He knew he wouldn't come back for a good few days. Making his way back to his home he was met by many people all chattering loudly at once. He stood for a second, waiting for someone to say somehing that made sense, but it all melded together to create a headache inducing hum.

"SILENCE!!" Roared Bakugo. The barbarians all immediately shut up and took a  step back in respect of his order. They bowed their heads in apology as he glared at them all.

"One of you speak, and tell me what is happening." One of the slightly older people in the group slowly stepped forward, not lifting her head she said.

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