Chapter 1

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"Akari, it's time to get ready for the academy" my moms soothing voice awoke me.
I turned over in my bed, looking up into her black matching eyes.
"Good morning mama" I smiled well rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.
"Good morning Akari, Itachi made breakfast today." She smiled down at me.
"He did!" I jumped out of bed.
Itachi's food is always the best.
"He made eggs and pancakes, so hurry up and get dressed before it gets cold." She told me well shutting my door.
I ran to my closet, pulling out a black dress with the Uchiha crest on the back.
After putting it on I popped my head out of my room.
Sasuke, my twin brother, was walking towards the stairs.
We glared at each other, than a smirk spread on my face.
"I'm going to get there first!" I yelled taking off.
"That's cheating!" He took off after me.
I ran down the hallway towards the kitchen.
"Bang!" I tripped and landed on the ground.
Sasuke came running past me.
I grabbed his ankle making him fall to.
"Sasuke, Akari no running in the house!" Mom scolded us.
She was much scarier than when she woke me up.
"Sorry mom" we said well getting up.
Itachi then came out of the kitchen with a white apron on.
"Breakfast is ready" he smiled at us.
"Good morning Itachi!" I ran and hugged him.
Sasuke came after, jumping on his back.
"Good morning Akari, good morning Sasuke" he grinned.
We got off of him and ran to the table.
Then we started stuffing our faces.
"I also made you two lunch today, I have a mission so I'll be leaving" he said grabbing his backpack.
"Ok be careful, love you" mom said to him.
"Love you too" he smiled well putting on he shoes.
"Bye Itachi" I said with a mouth full of food.
"Akari that is not lady like" mom scolded me.
I swallowed my food and looked down.
"Sorry" I said.
Sasuke then got up and hugged Itachi.
"Will you help me with my shuriken training when you get back" he asked.
Itachi brought up his finger and poked his forehead.
"Sure" he said leaving.
Sasuke rubbed his forehead and smiled.
"Come on Akari we have to leave too" Sasuke said continuing to smile.
We put on our shoes and left.
"bye mama!" I yelled.

Sasuke and I walked into the classroom together.
There was barely anyone here yet, we always come early.
I put my bag on my assigned seat and walked towards Sasukes.
"Sasuke, do you want to go to library after the academy with me today?" I asked.
"No I'm going to train today" he said.
"Ok" I smiled and walked back towards my seat.
The sensei walked in and everyone took their seats.
"Good morning everyone, today we will be working on kunei throwing" Iruka sensei announced.

"Ding" the bell rang.
School was finally over and I get to find a new book.
"Good bye Sasuke! Remember we have to be home at 5" I yelled well running towards the library.
"Ok bye Akari!" He yelled back.
I ran as fast as my legs could carry me.
I stop at a building the read library.
I took out two books out of my backpack and walked in.
"Oh hello Akari, I see your brother didn't come with you again" Mrs Funai greeted me.
"Yeah, he's to busy training. Here are the books I borrowed last week" I say putting the books on the desk.
I had to reach up because the desk was too tall.
Every week Sasuke and I would go to the library, but a month ago he stopped because he wanted to train instead.
"Thank you Akari" she said taking the books.
"Mrs Funai, can you help me find a book? I want to read a harder one" I asked.
"So you don't want read children's books anymore?" She asked.
"Yep, I need help finding a good book." I smiled.
"Ok, how about the tale of a young worrier?" She asked.
"What is it about?" I asked getting excited.
"Well, you'll just have to read to find" she said.
"Ok! I'll get that one" I jumped up and down, anxious to read it.
"Here you go" Mrs Funai gave me the book.
"Yay! Thank you Mrs Funai, see you next week!" I said walking out the library.
"Goodbye Akari" she waved goodbye.
"She is truly remarkable" Mrs Funai whispered under her breath.

I walked down the street leading to my house.
The sun was setting and the colors were beautiful.
'I wonder if Itachi is back' I thought.
'No he's usually gone for a long time on missions' I thought disappointedly.
I ran into the house seeing mom and dad talking in the kitchen.
"I'm home, hi mama, hi papa" I smiled putting down my backpack by the door.
"Akari don't leave your bag by the door, bring it up to your room" mom scolded me.
"Sorry mom, is Sasuke back?" I asked.
"No, not yet" dad grumbled reading his newspaper.
"I know where he is! I'll go get him!" I ran off without any objections.
My running came to stop as I here a scream.
I kept walking until I here'd another scream.
The sun finally set, so the only light was from the moon.
Then I heard a baby crying until it abruptly stopped.
'What's happening' I thought.
I looked up seeing a man standing on a tower.
He had an orange and black mask and a red and black robe.
He then vanished into thin air.
I then heard footsteps walking towards me.
I looked down the street seeing a black figure gradually getting closer.
"Hello!?" I yelled at him.
He finally walked into the moon light.
"Itachi?" I said.
I ran towards him and gave him a hug.
"Itachi how was your mission? Also I heard screaming, I think someone is in trou-" I stoped talking as I noticed the blood splatter on his shirt.
My eyes widened as I slowly pulled away from him.
"I-Itachi?" I stuttered.
There was no smile on his face, just a face of guilt.
Then he disappeared just like that man did.
I quickly turned around and started running as fast as my legs could carry me.
I opened the door to my house.
"Mama! Dad!" I yelled.
They weren't in the kitchen anymore.
I started up the stairs, not even bothering to take off my shoes.
I opened the second door and there they were.
My dad then fell to the ground with a Itachi over him.
"Dad!" I screamed, tears finally fell down my face.
Itachi came up to me, not even looking at me.
"You have to kill her" he said holding out a kunei.
"W-what?" I cried.
He grabbed my hand and put the kunei in it.
I looked at mom, tears were threatening to fall from her eyes, but she smiled at me.
"It's ok Akari" she said with a soothing voice.
I pushed Itachi away well shaking.
"Why, why!" I yelled with tears streaming down my face.
He finally looked at me.
I stepped back a little holding the kunei to my chest.
He too also had a teary face, and the pain in his red eyes was unimaginable.
He forcefully grabbed my rist and forced the kunei on our moms back.
"You have to kill her" Itachi told me.
I stood still looking at moms back.
"It's ok Akari, do it" Mom soothed me.
I put another hand on the kunei.
"Kill her" Itachi told me again.
I wiped my teary face with my sleeve.
"Do it Akari" Mom said more forcefully.
"I love you mama" I cried.
I put my arms up with the kunei.
'Why am I doing this?'
'Why is Itachi doing this'
The pressure built up.
"Kill her!" Itachi yelled.
"Ahhhh" I screamed well bringing my arms down as fast as I could.
Blood splattered all over my face.
"Thump" mom hit the ground.
And I went down with her.
To a pitch black dream.

"Mama!" I screamed.
I sat straight up, taking in my surroundings.
I was in a hospital, my vision felt 10 times better, and I was in a gown.
A nurse rushed in with a clipboard, and the hokage followed her. 
The nurse stopped in her tracks.
"Oh my" she gasped.
She then grabbed a pen and started writing on her clipboard.
I looked at the hokage.
"W-where is my mom and dad?" I asked.
He walked over to me and took a seat on the metal uncomfy bed.
"Where is Itachi, Where is Sasuke?" I pleaded this time.
"Akari, Sasuke is fine he's in the other room" He told me.
I calmed down.
'It's ok Akari'
'Do it!'
Memories started flowing in.
"Last night Itachi annihilated the Uchiha clan, except for Sasuke and you." He told me.
My eyes widened.
"Oh" I said blankly, not looking up.
"Here I have something special to show you" he said grabbing a mirror.
He held it to my face and I was met with red eyes.
I awaken my sharingan with 3 black circles in each eye.
I knew immediately this wasn't normal.
Normal Uchihas awaken them when their about 13.
I was only 7.


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