Chapter 3

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Kiba and I were talking in our seats.
Naruto then walked in and took his seat right in front of me.
Kiba looked at me confused.
"What are you doing here Naruto? This isn't for drop outs, you can't be here unless you graduated" Shikamaru told Naruto.
"Oh yeah? Do you see this, do you see this? Open your eyes shikamaru it's a regulation headband. We're going to be training together, how you like that" Naruto said proudly.
"Didn't you fail the third exam? How did get it?" I questioned, leaning over my seat.
"I have my ways" he said smugly.
"Did they give you pity and let you try a fourth time" Kiba laughed.
I chopped Kiba on the head.
"Ow! Ow! I'm sorry!" He cried.
"Well anyways don't I look so good in it? It was like it was made for me, believe it!" Naruto laughed.
"Yeah, sure" shikamaru said well walking away.
Naruto looked up at me for a reply.
"I think it was more made for me" I smirked playfully.
"No because I'm going to be the next hokage so it was destined for me" he said proudly with a smile.
"Yeah right? The hokage!" Kiba laughed.
I chopped him on the head again.
His eyes then trailed off and he smiled with a blush.
I looked behind me to see Sakura coming over.
"Hi Saku-" Naruto go cut off by her pushing him to the ground.
"Hey Sasuke" Sakura smiled with a sweet voice.
I glared at her.
Kiba scooted away feeling my anger levels rising.
"Do you mind if I sit next to you?" She asked politely.
"Move forehead, I'm sitting next to Sasuke" Ino told Sakura.
They started arguing which only brought more fan girls over.
Naruto then stood up and went on top of sasuke's desk.
Naruto glared at him.
"Naruto! Hey stop glaring at Sasuke!" Sakura yelled at Naruto.
Naruto then got knocked over and kissed Sasuke.
There was silence.
Kiba and I then started laughing.
"I can't believe that was my brothers first kiss" I covered my mouth.
All the fan girls then started attack Naruto.

"What are you reading?" Kiba asked beside me.
Some of my classmates and I were waiting in the classroom for our senseis.
"Lost hopes" I told him well continuing to read.
"Oh, What is it about?" Kiba asked.
"You have to read it to find out" I told him.
Kiba then grabbed my book out of my hands.
I glared at him and then smirked.
"Fine" I challenged, well I grabbed Akumaru out from his coat.
"Ah! Akumaru!" He yelled.
Akumaru barked and licked my face.
"I think Akumaru loves me more" I smirked playfully, well petting his head.
"Akumaru how could you do this to me" he cried playfully.
"You can have him back, if you give me my book" I offered.
"Fine" he pouted giving me my book.
I let go of Akumaru and he walked back to Kiba.
Then a black haired red eyed girl came in.
"Team 8?" She asked.
"That's my sensei, bye Akari" Kiba waved.
"Bye" I waved back.
Now it was just Naruto, Sakura, Sasuke, and I.
We are team 7.
"Ah why is our sensei so late! It's no fair!" Naruto complained.
"Hey what are you doing!" Sakura yelled.
I heard a chair being dragged.
I looked up to see Naruto placing a chalk eraser on top of the door.
"That's what he gets for coming late" he snickered.
"Our sensei is an elite jonin, you think he going to fall for something like that?" Sasuke said.
"If he did, it would probably be on purpose" I said.
Then a grey haired masked man came in, letting the eraser fall on his head.
"Haha he fell for it" Naruto laughed.
"It wasn't me I didn't do anything, it was all his fault" Sakura pointed at Naruto.
"Hey sensei" I smiled.
Sasuke sat in silence.
"How do I put this. My first impression of this group is your a bunch of idiots" the sensei plan out told us.
"Ok meet me on the roof" he vanished, using the body flicker technique.
A jutsu that makes it appear you are teleporting, but in reality your just moving quickly.

"My name is Sasuke Uchiha, I dislike a lot of things, and don't particularly like anything. My dream is not a dream because I'm going to make it a reality, I'm going to restore my clan and destroy. A. Certain. Somebody." Sasuke coldly scowled.
There was a short pause.
I already knew that he wanted to kill Itachi, so it was no news to me.
"My name is Akari Uchiha. I like books. I dislike Sasuke's fan girls. My hobbies are reading. And my dream is..." I paused as I thought. "To see someone again" I finished.
A part of me wishes that I wanted to kill him, for our clan.
But I have this feeling that he wouldn't kill off his whole clan for no reason.
So I just want to see him again, to ask him why.
And if Sasuke does end up killing him, I want to have the chance to say bye.
"Good you are all unique in your own way, tomorrow we will go on our first mission" kakashi said.
"What kind of mission?" Sakura asked.
"A survival test to see who will be going back to the academy. We will meet at our designated training ground at 5am, you guys might not want to eat breakfast, you might throw up" kakashi said.
Then he vanished again.
"That's no fair!" Naruto yelled, but he was to late.
"Sasuke do you want to walk home together?" Sakura asked well blushing.
"No" Sasuke glared leaving.
I also got up and walked beside him.
"Bye Sakura and Naruto see you tomorrow" I waved.
"Bye Akari!" Naruto waved back.

"Make sure to be home at 8" I told Sasuke.
"Your not the boss of me" he glared.
"If you want to make your own dinner then do whatever you want" I turned my back towards him.
"Tch Fine" he mumbled back.
I walked off from his training ground.
Leaving him alone.
I walked into the forest, finding a clearing.
'This is good' I thought.
I like looking for new places to train a lot.
It makes it easier to adapt to new environments during missions.
I did three hand signs and put up two of my fingers.
I quickly make a slicing movement.
The tree in front of me slowly fell to the ground.
I developed a new jutsu, where you make a slicing movement with your fingers making anything get sliced using fire.
It's called fire slash.
It took me about two years.


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