| Two |

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Yuna invited Ryujin later to her house that same evening. "To discuss the logistics," she vaguely texted.

"Oh, Ryujin-ah, Yuna's in her room."

Ryujin beamed and slightly bowed to Yuna's parents, "Thanks, auntie."

"Mm. Have you eaten dinner yet?"

"I have, thanks for the offer though!" Ryujin replied as she took off her shoes at the doorstep.

She made her way upstairs as if it were her own home. Yuna's house was practically her second home for the past nine or so years.

Knock knock.

Yuna opened the door and looked at Ryujin, her eyes unreadable. They stood barely a foot apart and neither wanted to say the first word. There was tension and Ryujin was well aware of it.

She smirked, "Are you gonna let me in or what?"

Yuna returned to reality and took a step back in order to do so.

The older girl made herself at home and immediately laid down Yuna's bed, patting an empty space next to her. Yuna however, seemed the most serious she's been for the past sixteen years of her life.

"No fooling around, Ryujin. Sit up." She sat cross-legged on the spot next to her. Ryujin rolled her eyes, "You're making this into a big deal, it's really not something to overthink-"

"Um, yes it is. I have rules!" Yuna emphasized the last word and leaned back to grab the sheet of paper on her desk. Ryujin shifted to get a better look at whatever Yuna was holding up to her face.

"Are you ready to listen?"

Ryujin found the whole situation kinda cute actually. Yuna, a relationship virgin, was clearly starting to become overwhelmed with her own idea.

"Yes, ma'am." She sat up and mirrored Yuna's seating position.

Yuna cutely nodded with a poker face, "Okay, rule 1. If you start to like a guy or Chaeryeong gets into a relationship - especially if she wants to get in one with ME - we immediately end this."

Ryujin tilted her head to the side, "Wait, a guy?"

"Yeah, I mean, you're straight right," Yuna paused and her eyes widened. "Wait, you... you're gay too?!"

Ryujin couldn't help but smile, "Damn, I'm offended. You call me your best friend and you don't even know I like girls?"

The younger girl gawked and facepalmed not long after. Shit, what have I done!

"Ryujin, the only reason I thought you were the best candidate was that I thought you were straight! I... How come I never knew? Well maybe cause you never told me any of your crushes." Yuna was rambling now, but Ryujin could only think of one thing.

A bittersweet smile appeared on her lips,

Maybe cause the only crush I've ever had is you.

The short-haired girl took her hand and held it in her lap, "Yuna, relax. You know that saying, right? Straight girls and straight guys can be friends. That applies to us too. You won't hurt me."

Yuna looked into her eyes with skepticism, "Okay, but... You have to tell me if you ever feel anything for me. I don't wanna ruin-"

"The friendship, yes I get it." Ryujin finished her sentence, tired of that cliche phrase in every high school drama and fanfiction.

"Okay, next rule-"

"How many rules are there?" Ryujin groaned and slyly lied down on Yuna's lap. The latter stared into space, caught off guard by the proximity of her hand to the oblivious girl's face.

"Two. This is the last one for now... if I have more I'll update you."

Yuna took a deep breath, "PDA. We're limiting it to holding hands."

Ryujin bolted upright, "What kinda rule is that? You and I have been holding hands since we got out of the womb, does that mean we're basically a married couple now with three cats?"

Yuna paused and then looked down at her lap, feeling shy all of a sudden, "Then... what do you suggest?"

The older girl scooted closer, leaning into her ear, "Kiss..?" She whispered with a small smile.

Yuna immediately pushed her away, "H-Hey! I still want to lose my first kiss to Chaeryeong you know..." She blushed just thinking about it. From a mile away you could hear Ryujin's heart shatter into pieces.

The latter tried to not make it obvious that she was jealous by turning it into a joke.

"You dummy, you already lost it to me anyway."

Yuna's eyes widened as she slapped the girl who was having the time of her life, "D-Don't joke like that! When, huh?"

"Six years ago, when we were in middle school, we were crackheads and decided to act like a two-headed human pendulum... we were very alike back then and at the crucial moment, we both decided to go forward and... yeah. Our lips touched." She said it like it was no big deal to her. Well, really, it was but she didn't mind at all.

Yuna threw a fit and started to punch her pillow like a child yelling "NOOOO". Another stab to Ryujin's heart.

"Hey, okay- I'll get at my actual point. What I'm trying to say is... It doesn't matter if we pretend kiss because to me, your first kiss is only your first kiss if you have feelings for that person. If you don't, then I say it doesn't count."

Yuna lifted her head from the pillow and pouted at Ryujin, "...Really?"

The older girl just gave her a reassuring nod.

It's funny how a simple sentence like that could bring Yuna back to her sunshine self. Ryujin just wished that she could be completely happy seeing her happy. Yet, it still hurts. That constant reminder that the younger girl has never seen her in any way other than a friend or sister.


Ryujin couldn't sleep that night. The fact that tomorrow she would be Yuna's girlfriend and not just her friend drove her to the edge. She knew it was all fake, yet she couldn't stop her hopeless romantic side get the best of her. She could finally ask her out without telling her about how she really felt.

The next day already played itself out contradictory to Ryujin's expectations.

"Ryujin, Yuna's in front!"


Ryujin grabbed her backpack and opened the door, confused.

Yuna grinned with her hands behind her back, "Good morning, girlfriend! Do you... wanna hop on my bike to get to school?"

Wow, she's really going this far. Ryujin thought as her cheeks starting to warm up.

"H-Hey, my parents don't know..." She muttered under her breath, but Yuna shrugged, "My mom calls her friends "girlfriend" all the time. Don't worry," She winked and slyly grabbed the older girl's hand.

"We'll be on our way auntie!" She yelled as she dragged the older girl down the steps.

Ms. Shin gave them an amused smile, "Take care, kids!"

Ryujin could get used to this.


Fun fact, first kiss story is *drum roll* how your 🤡 author lost her technical first kiss! I also lost it to a girl even before I realized I was into girls lmao

If I'm going to pull a Ryujin I don't count my first kiss either... #foreveralonegang

I hope you all liked this update even tho imo it was pretty short. I'll try to come up with more events for the next chap since this was mostly dialogue

see you next time! ❤️

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