Chapter One

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Due to evidence of the Summoner's wriggler name being Rufioh and the Handmaid's name was Damara, I'm going to assume that all the Ancestors' wriggler names are those of the Dancestors!

I crouched down into the underbrush, a large squeakbeast in my vision. My hair was pulled back into a long ponytail, in order to not get caught on anything while hunting.

My name was Meulin Leijon, and at this point in life, I never thought that I would be a follower of some mutant blood. In fact, I despised mutant bloods. Their blood was way to bright for me.

But back to my hunting. The squeakbeast was close- really close. I bet it was deaf or something. I could practically just reach out and grab the squeakbeast! But, what's the fun in that?

I took off after it, pouncing down on it's back and biting down into its throat. It was an easy kill, really. The only hard kills that I know of are Lusi- they fight back while woodland creatures simply don't care.

I brought my kill back to my Lusus, Pounce. He needed the kills more than me, seeing as the cold season was coming back and he would hibernate during that point. He greedily ate it as I walked away, aiming to catch one more piece of prey for him, and maybe something for myself.

I sniffed the air, looking about the forest. I spotted a moving mound of... Gray. Maybe this was a big rabbit? Pounce would love one of those! I crouched down and moved towards the moving shape, a grin on my face as I pounce on it. I dug my nails into the side of the shape, holding on while I searched for a throat to bite.

"Hey! Stop that!" The shape shouted, standing up and pushing me off. I rolled away, landing in a crouching position while I stared at the figure. It turned out to be a troll. "Oh I'm sorry, are you okay?" He asked, leaning forward and holding out his hand to help me up. I glanced at the appendage before placing my hand in it and allowing him to pull me up.

I haven't met this Troll before... Well, to be honest, I haven't met many trolls before. I've met an indigo blood long ago- maybe when I was about six sweeps... We had a fling, but that was it. And I had a good mustard blood friend who came around every now an then.

"Who are you?" I asked, dusting off my rags that pass for clothes. They had my blood color displayed everywhere, along with my sign. While, this troll didn't have any color or sign on him.

"You can call me Kankri." He smiled slightly, pushing his hood off of his head. "But really, are you okay?" He asked again.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I said quickly, looking away. He was so kind... "Are you okay? I did kind of dig my nails into you.." I glanced at his side, and blinked as my eyes caught an extremely bright red oozing out. I blinked and looked up at him, pointing with my hand. "What's that?"

"Oh shit..." He muttered as he followed my gaze to his side. "No, please, let me explain!"

"You're a mutant blood!" I exclaimed. "I can't be seen with the likes of you! ... How are you even here?!" I reached forward and grabbed his wrist, pulling him closer to me.

"Let me explain!" He pleaded. I released him and gave him a shove.

"I should really turn you in to the Heiress..." I said, my lips curled into a snarl as I took a step back. He seemed to be surprised. He took off his hood and stared at it.

"I'm terribly sorry for what I'm about to do..." He murmured. Suddenly, he pounced forward and threw the piece of cloth over my head. I screeched as he wrapped me up in the cloth and held me. I felt a breeze begin to hit the cloth, so I assumed he was running.

"Let me go!" I hissed, moving as much as I could in hopes he would drop me. I glared up through the hole that he left me. "I hate you so much right now!" I screamed, before having to correct myself. "P-platonically! I platonically hate you!"

"Heh." He chuckled as he continued to run. I felt him slow down after a while, and he shouted. "Rosa? I'm home!" He dropped me on a soft-ish surface.

"Kanny!" I heard a feminine voice enter the room. I angrily tossed the cloth off of me and glared at the man who brought me here. "Kan...?"

"I can explain!" He said quickly, putting his hands up. "You see she attacked me-"

"I was hunting for my Lusus!"

"-and she saw my blood. So I brought her here before she could go tell the Heiress!" He said quickly. The jadeblood looked over at me, and I'm pretty sure she saw the spades in my eyes as I glared at Kankri.

"Hello, young troll. My name is Dolorosa. But you may call me Rosa." She smiled. "What's your name?" She asked as she wedged herself between me and Kankri.

"... Meulin." I said quietly. "Meulin Leijon."

"So you still have your wriggler name too? That's great! See, Kanny, now you don't have to be named by yourself!"

"I wasn't! Mituna was going with me!" He defended himself.

"Mituna...?" I echoed the name, standing up quickly. "You know him?" I asked. The two nodded slowly, and a small smile grew on my face. "He's one of my best friends! ... My only friend, to be completely honest..." I looked down at the floor.

"Well, if you keep quiet about this whole blood thing, then we can be friends." Kankri said. Dolorosa nodded with him.

"I haven't spent the last eight sweeps of my life caring for Kanny just for his life to be taken away." She said. I blinked, a bit confused.

"Caring for?"

"Oh, yes. Not many know the story of Kankri. I'll be glad to tell you." Dolorosa smiled.

"You might as well write it down at this point." Kankri muttered under his breath. Rosa lit up - literally - and left the room. She came back and handed me a book, along with a ink pen.

"Here, Meulin, how about you write it down? My hand is currently injured, so I can't do so." I accepted the book and opened to the first page, finding it blank. "Kanny, why don't you tell her the story? I'll go make us some cookies." She stood up and left, not allowing a response. I looked back at the mutant blood, frowning.

"She is... Something, isn't she?" He chuckled nervously while I leaned back on the couch, the book in my lap.

"Just tell me the damn story." I ordered. He obliged, putting in emphasis on certain parts.

Nepeta: Mew aren't going to tell a story in a story, are mew?

Disciple: Oh, no no no. You two know the story already. I don't need to retell it. Or do I?

Meulin: No no no! My Kankitty has repurrted this story enough!

Disciple: That's good. Shall I continue then?

Meulin&Nepeta: Mhm!

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