Blood and dimples

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If your reading this then your probably going to read my book, which is cool;))

This book will be a different version of murder house, with all the same characters apart from the people that move in.

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Thick droplets of blood spiral down onto the dark blue carpet, staining it with the metallic liquid.
The carpet is a dark blue shade, it will cover the drops of blood.

I haven't introduced myself yet, sorry. It's kind of embarrassing that you catch me doing this, but to be honest, I don't give a shit.
That's how i feel about most things. I'm Jade, I'm seventeen and I'm depressed. That's all you need to know about me. There's no much else to tell.

Oh, wait a minute. I've just moved house. For the fifth time, to be precise, and I can by far say that this is the best move yet. My bedrooms big and the house is dark and gloomy, just how I like it. Plenty of hiding spaces.

I swiftly slash another line across my lower arm, watching the blood form and slowly drip down my arm.

I stand up, pulling my sleeves down over my cuts. A voice at the door stops me.

"If your trying to kill yourself, your doing it wrong."

I whip my head up, and see a tall dirty blond haired boy stood at the door.

"Who are you?" I ask, keeping my face straight. A large smile plays on his lips, and dimples form on his cheeks.

"I'm Tate. And your Jade."

"How do you know that?" My voice betrays my interest in him. This boy is hot. Tate is hot.

"I read your boxes" Tate gestures to the many boxes filled with my stuff that are littered around the room, on which are written 'Jades stuff'.

"How did you get in here?" I ask.

He chuckles, wringing his hands.
"I'm early for a session with your dad. I decided to explore your house."

"Well, that's not creepy at all". I stare at him. Wonder if he's going to take the hint.

"I'll go now." He says comfortably, taking a step back. "I'll see you soon".

"You wish." I mutter.

"No, I will see you around. You won't be able to avoid me." A smile breaks onto his face again, and he walks off down the corridor.

That was more then a little weird.


It's about ten o'clock in the evening when I finally drag myself out of my bed. After Tate left, I unpacked all my shit and helped mom with the kitchen stuff. Fuck, I didn't want too, but with a shrink for a father and a paranoid mother, as soon as you decline to help your immediately labeled as 'depressed' or 'suicidal'.

After that, I grabbed some chips and went up to my room, which is where I had been ever since, listening to music and sketching.

Swinging my bare feet off my bed, I walk quietly out of my room and down the corridor.

The whole house is silent and dark, My mom has gone to bed and my dad is- well, who the fuck knows where my dad is?

The corridor is dark, shadows shaped like dark and twisted things protrude at the end of the corridor. It feels like their reaching out too me; they want me to join them. I take a step closer, but I am suddenly distracted by manic whispers coming from the bathroom.

Silently, I swing the door open, and see Tate standing at the sink, his hands digging into his head, tugging at his hair.

"Tate?" I whisper, and he turns around, shocked.

"Go away!" He wails, and I take a step back.

"No jade- not you. Don't go. Stay, stay here." He pants, grabbing my hand.

I frown, but step into the bathroom. "What's wrong?".

"It's just the voices. The demons. They don't stop." He looks at me, his pupils large. "You hear them too, don't you. They feed on the people like you and me."

"I don't call them demons." I say quietly, not letting go of his hand. "I call them my friends. The demons are our friends, Tate. They don't want to hurt us, because they are us. We are the demons."

Tate stares at me, the wild look in his eyes gone. Without hesitating, he leans forward slightly, so that I can feel his breath on me. His lips softly brush mine, and my breath hitches when he finally closes the gap between us, his lips on mine.

The kiss is tentative, but also hungry. We were both looking for someone to stop us going mad, and now we've found each other.

The darkness could be lifted.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2014 ⏰

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