The Little Kitten

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Once, there was a feline who lived with her little kitten who is only 4 or 5 days old enough in a big house. The little kitten was brown and had a black spot on his left. The house owner didn't generally possess the felines yet they generally dwelled in the attic and the house owner consistently took care of them by feeding them milk and bread as they were the only ones in the whole house which causes him to feel less alone. The mother cat loved her kitten a lot. She used to make him walk, going out to discover nourishment for the cat when the house owner was not at home and all other protective things. 

     One day, when the house owner was away for work and neglected to take care of the felines, the mother feline left the house to search for some food for her kitten. At the point when some time passed and the mother feline didn't return, the little cat started to yowl for her mom. A black tomcat was passing by the big house and was starving when out of nowhere he hears a yowling of the cat. He imagines that nothing is substantially more palatable than the flesh of a youthful cat and started looking through some passage point into the house. The tomcat saw that a window from the rear of the big house is kept open, he makes a few strides back, runs quick and afterward bounce towards the window and in a matter of moments, the tomcat was inside the house. The yowling of the little cat got stronger as he didn't perceive any indication of her mom up to that point. The tomcat, after the yowl and he establishes out that this sound is coming someplace from the top. He somehow manages to go inside the attic and saw the little kitten. He gradually strolls towards the little cat. The little cat becomes terrified when he saw the black tomcat. The tomcat hopped on the little cat to get him. The little kitten was feeble to the point that he was unable to have the option to guard himself. The tomcat snatches the little kitten's neck with his mouth which kills the kitten right away due to such a lot of blood lost. The tomcat takes the dead substance of the little kitten with him after that.

         At the point when the mother cat shows up at the attic she saw that her little kitten isn't there but blood everywhere. She started to yowl for the cat and stops out of nowhere by seeing the blooded floor of the attic as she acknowledges the fact that her little kitten has been gone and will never return. She starts to cry, abandoning the big house. At the point when the house owner shows up, he sees, that there was impression with blood which he distinguishes of the mother cat by which he goes straight up towards the attic where he saw that there's blood everywhere and saw the mother cat from the attic's window leaving and sobbing for her little cat. The separation of the mother cat from her little kitten makes the house owner sad as he felt that he was once again become all alone in the big house.

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