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Sammy (Samantha)
A!N It might be short but hey, whose writing this story? Me. Not you. So suck it up, deal with it. If youre gonna be a bitch bout it, sit on a cactus eh? Much love!

I rush home to do the dishes before mom and dad got back home. It was my turn apparently because Kaley was doing all the work, yea right.

She was sneaking out with the mysterious boy of hers. I dont know his name because she wouldn't tell me.

Key word him being 'Mysterious Boy.' It has a nice ring to it

I walk up to the porch and walked in. Noticing the door was unlock. Kaley must have forgotten to lock the door.

Kicking my shoes off at the entrance, I make my way up the stairs when I hear a giggle. My sister must have mystery guy here. Omg.

Its my time to bust him!! I have waited 2 years for this to happen. Oh boy. Smiling a victorious smile, I open the room to my sisters room.

"Kaleeyyy!!! Who is-" There was Jeremy, without a shirt, Kaley, in her undies. Me, feeling lost, confused, angry, sad.

"What, the actual fuck!"

Jeremy quickly got up and moved towards me.

"One step and your balls are gone." I glare. He stopped moving and Kaley was still.

"Kaley, what about the mysterious guy!!? Ever thought bout that!?" I all but screech. Kaley look down and the room was still.

Realization dawned upon me. Jeremy was the Mysterious Boy. And in the moment, I lost it.

"Sam I-" Kaley say but I was quick to cut her off.

"Youre my sister!!!" I yell, hot tears streaming down my face. I have never felt so, so, ugh!

"Im sorry Samantha it just happened, I love him and-" Smack. The sound of the slap across her face echoed through the room.

My breathing was getting irregular, my chest heaved in and out, I couldn't breathe. Everything around me continued to spin and all I could hear was Jeremy and Kaley screaming my name before darkness surrounded me.


The beeping noise was so loud in my ear, I could have sworn my hearing was dying away right now. Speaking of dying, am I dead?

My eyes open to see a blinding light, this must be what its like to be dead. Ah, such a feeling. Never in a million years would I feel this great about dying.

Wait, im not dead. How I know? The sound of a door open and closing and I now see a roof. Great, just when things were going swelllll.

Note the sarcasm.

Groaning, I sit up and look around. A hospital. Just fucking amazing. The door opens and in walk mom and dad.

"Oh sweety! Youre ok!" She didn't know what to do. She didn't know either to hug me or not. Dad was the same. Everyone was the same. Everyone except me.

"Honey, why aren't you talking?" Mom ask worried sketch onto her wrinkle free face.

"Sally, give her time." Dad rubbed her shoulders softly. Must be nice. All the love radiating off of them was making me lightheaded.

"Your sister is coming in, gosh Im so glad to see you are well. Your asthma attack was serious. What caused it?" They both looked at me to answer them. What caused it? What caused it. What caused was the whore of a daughter you got.

But of course I didn't say that aloud. Kaley is the favorite. Its a long story, maybe some other time.

Sighing, mom stood up straight with a strain smile. "Get better soon baby." She kissed my forehead, Kaley get all of those, this is new, hence why I flinched slightly.

"We will be out in the lobby if you need us sweetheart." Dad softly smile and they both walk out after passing me a last glance.

The door opened and well, well, well, the little bitch. Now I am sorry if I am being too harsh but how will you feel if your sibling slept with your spouse. Not talk it out I suppose.

"Um Samantha. Are you ok?" Keep your distance. Smart move.

No reply.

"Sam, im really sorry, it just happened, we clicked and-"

"Out." It was barely a whisper. She looked at me confused. "Excuse me?" Please bitch, as if you couldn't hear.

"I said out." I was louder. She came closer to me tears brimmed her eyes.


"GET OUT!!!! FUCKING WHORE!!!!!!" I scream. Im pretty sure the hospital heard.

"No Sam cant we talk it out like siste-" Now that's where I have to cut her off.

Looking her dead in the eyes I say. "What sister." Then the waterworks fell down her face. A sob leave her lips and she leave the room.

Good, I don't need any other idiot-

The door opens.

Speaking of idiots. Jeremy walks in with a wore down expression. As if I give two shits.
"You made her cry." He whisper. But I heard him.

"You made me cry, have a asthma attack, and end up in this hell. Yet you say I made her cry." I snap. He sigh and run his shaking hands through his hair.

"Im sorry Sammy, im so fucking sorry I-"

"I dont need your pathetic sorry, dont let the door hit you on your way out." He nodded and turned around. When I almost forgot something.

"Oh and here," I toss the necklace he gave, that I promised I will never take off, back to him.

He caught it and stare at it. Then he leaves. Which leaves me alone. For once. The thought of the two, it, ugh!

Tears start to fall uncontrollably down my face.

I will never be the same.

A!N Hello folks!! Hope yall enjoyed this bit, told ya it would b short. Bare with me , this happened freshman year. So we are going to do a major skip to Junior or Senior year no?

Great!! Enjoy lads!!!

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2020 ⏰

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