1: Origin

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Alright... Let's take it wayy back. Summertime, June, 2040... Graduation. Now let me tell you somethin'. The sun was shinin', the sky was blue, 'n the grass was green. Beautiful day, am I right? I told you my name in the description, yeah? No? Its Alexander. Princeton Alexander, and yes, I was named after a university... Discrimination's real... But anywayss, I live in a little gold city called San Francisco... Well lived, till the incident... But I'mma get to that. Hyde street was AWESOMEE! Nice views, got the cable cars passin' by you, 'n of course, the people! You get hellos all the way down, then back up... 'n that's how I met Gillian, Gillian Snyder. The crazy thing about her was that, yes she was quirky and hyphy, which I lovee, but the OTHER thing, was that her father, literally named Billion, or Billy Snyder, owns the largest tower in the city... the LARGEST! Not a big deal, but I had a "billionare" girlfriend😄 Sorry for the joke... Had to... And I say "had", because she was 1 of the victims throughout the incident... She passed, along with my parents... Matter of fact? Lets now get to what happened... August 21st, 2040... Complete desolation... A seismic explosion that erupted due to "interferences" at ALL NRG power plants...

1st thing that happens: City blacks out.

2nd thing: NRG overloads from an electrical misconduct in relations of a power replacement... untrained employees...

And lastly? An explosion that was tranfused from, again, ALL the plants to the main... a seismic eruption, rather... And I was the closest to it.
Everyone was wiped from existence... The people I knew at least. Was literally walkin' home with the folks 'n Gillian, but then stated that she was goin' to head to Salesforce, the tower her dad owned? But after we said our goodbyes... The ground shook, and the surrounding area was in flames... a ringing in my ear I would NEVER forget... The screams... Curdling... Stings from the objects hurling into my direction, colliding... The sounds of death and destruction. Lasted a long 10 minutes... and I should've been dead... No... Instead, I was the only 1 to make it out, as far as I knew, and with BARELY any injuries, visible or that was even present. To sound even crazier, I think absorbing/inhabiting the blast wouldn' be as farfetched as it would seem... Either if this was sabotaged, or an accident, the city of San Francisco was demolished... again... But this time? I'm the only person alive... If anything. Might be others still out there... Others like me... At that moment, I knew I had to get the hell out of there and, if possible, to start over... It's now the year of 2042, August in NYC, 'n its like I remembered 2 years ago like it was happenin' again right now... Always stuck with and still shook me till this day. Closure is what's needed, of course, but more importantly, finding more about myself 'n the position to be placed from here, would be the most rational...I know what I am, 'n it's still a shock to be classified as a MUTANT survivor from SF. But on how to use whatever powers I have for good? Still gotta work on that...

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