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I make it back to the casino, seeing everyone working. I head to my room, being stopped by dice.

"Since your back early, how about we get you tailored for your uniform." I nod, following him into the back of the casino.

"I'm not wearing a dress. I rather wear a men's uniform." He looked at me confused, stopping.

"What do you mean, of course your not wearing a dress." I smiled.

"I'm guessing you still think I am a man." He just looked at me.

"Wait, your a...?" I nod.

"Many confuse me for a man, though I don't mind unless I know I'll be interacting with those on a daily basis. I am indeed a woman." He nods, slowly going back to walking. We make it behind the curtain and into the small room I was in when I was 'Deja'. I whistled while looking around. We had gone into a new room where small purple demons were running around, looking at fabrics.
"Whoa." I heard Dice chuckle, making my ears perk.

"Go ahead and stand here, they'll be checking your measurements." I nod standing on a x in the center of the room. Immediately the small demons starting whipping around, finding fabrics and getting out a sewing machine. A few  tugged on my clothing which I quickly  obliged, taking them off. I had a black bra on, it making me feel good about my gender when I wear it though I don't really need to. I caught a few blushing nut didn't really care like most of them, having probably gone through this when other female workers. I glance at dice to see him watching me with purple tinted cheeks, though I'm sure it wasn't from the makeup he wore. I smirked at him and looked away, waiting for everything to be done. They finished with the measurements and handed my clothing back, it being just a black dress shirt. I put it on and looked at Dice,seeing him talk to one of the demons.
"He said they'll have your uniform ready before you have work. You can do whatever you want for now, just don't mess anything." He said, leaving me in the room. I shrugged and headed to my room, finding all my things in there. God it looks like they threw it in here. I sighed, to dying everything and organizing my things. I spotted my guitar, smiling. I grabbed it and starting playing it., (will be doing the lyrics by memory)

"There is an old tradition, a game we all can play. You start by getting liquored up and sharpening your blade." I sang, smiling while remembering when me, Djimmi and Beppi played it.
"You take a shot of whiskey, grab your knife and pray. Spread apart your fingers, and this is what they say." I put down my guitar, going over to where my knifes should be. I grab one and take out my cutting board from one of the boxes, going over to a desk in the corner.
"Oh! I have all my fingers, the knife goes chop chop chop. If I miss the spaces in between my fingers will come off. And if I hit my fingers, blood will soon come out. But all the same we play this game cause that's what it's all about." I hit the spaces in between my fingers, doing it in a pattern. I sadly didn't notice my door open.
"No you can not use a pencil, you can not use a pen. The only way is with a knife when danger is your friend. Some may call it stupid, some may call it dumb. But all the same we play this game cause it's so god damn fun." I smiled, not hitting my fingers.
"Oh! I have all  my fingers, the knife goes chop chop chop. If I miss the spaces in between my fingers will come off. And if I hit my fingers, blood will soon come out. But all the same we play this game cause that's what it's all about. OOOHH! Chop chop chop chop I'm picking up the speed. If I miss the spaces in between then my hand will start to bleed!" I threw my knife at the wall, it zooming past the Devil's head. I scowled.
"Oh my god, I could've hit you!" I growled, going over and grabbing my knife. He chuckled.

"Like it would hurt me. I am immortal, also don't use that word here." I nod.

"Bad habit, though I do share your hatred."I turn to him, raising a brow.
"Now, why in hell would you grace me with your presence?" He shook his head, placing something in my bed.

" You uniform is done. I came to tell you to play something on stage, though you can stay here since it's not tomorrow yet. Knowing you, you'll want to go up there. Put it on when you do. The imps will put the rest of your clothes their making in your closet when your back, along with some human sized clothes." I nod, going over to it and put on the vest for now. Why does it have to be pink?
"One more thing. " I look back at him.
"I won't tell anyone about 'Deja' unless you say so, but don't think I won't spill it if your disobedient. Bye bye~" He left, me following him and leaving to go on stage. I sat down on the stool that was up there, seeing all eyes on me.

"Greetings ladies and gentlemen. I am Grindal D. Kasim, and I shall be singing for you tonight."

I drew her I drew her I drew her I ACTUALLY FUCKING DREW HER. I CAN'T TRADITIONALLY DRAW ANIMALS FOR SHIT. if anyone wants to draw her than just tag me to it. I'm so proud of how she came out.

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