Chapter One

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It was a gentle afternoon in the middle of the summer. The warm sun heating the scales of the cold blooded beast as it lay in a field of rolling golden wheats, pondering about life's mysteries. An intimidating mountain range to the left of her, with the fields breaking off down into a cliff that meets the ocean on the right. The salty water scenting the air with an almost pungent, yet still sweet, aroma. The type of scent that can only be achieved when next to an ocean that sprays up against the cliff side when they meet.

The dragon, rather small for her species', had stout legs with large spanning wings. A short tail and neck making her seem like she was compacted. This dragon, named Aurora, only ever wanted to explore the world. Beyond the fields that she knew, and the mountain range that she avoided. Even over the ocean, what might lie there? Aurora had no clue.

Just as she was preparing to stand herself up, and go to check on the rest of her pack, a low stomach churning rumble erupted from the cliff side. The land she was on started to fume up dust, swallowing the fields around her. In panic, she tried to make a break for it. However, Aurora's short legs forbid her from moving with grace or agility. Making her fall flat on her stomach with her wings spread out.

It was only shortly after recovering from her fall that she noticed something dangerous. The cliff side had gotten shorter? No. The cliff was gone, eaten by a gluttonous hole appearing in the earth. Eventually caving in under her, she fell into the abyss that had swallowed the land. The water had yet to rush in and fill the gaping maw of earth. Trapped in a seemingly inescapable column of dirt. Looking around, trying to use her bright white eyes to scan for any signs of sanctuary. Eventually noticing a cave, big enough that only she could fit through. The cold iron smell of the depths drowning her senses, she would have to hurry. The water had already pooled up to her wings. Forcing her to squeeze through the tight gap as a last ditch effort to escape. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2020 ⏰

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