The Awful Smell & The Sink Hole(Chapter One)

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Apollo Brantley the fifth was a small dragon who never could find the balance between the reality of his family's expectations and the fiction of the worlds he often escaped to. Apollo came from a long line of infamous dragons known for their malicious takedowns of kingdoms. Apollo and his three brothers were expected to live up to their family name, as was each and everyone who came before them. None had ever fallen short of his father's expectations and Apollo did not want to be the first. Apollo had always had a sense that there was more under his feet than just the dirt and rocks he had been taught about. But he had never had the courage to look, the unknown scared him. But one day the underground got tired of waiting for Apollo to find it and it revealed itself, as it does to the few who are worthy. Apollo, as always, had his nose buried in a book and was far off in a different land. Suddenly he was torn away from his book. A noise echoed through his cave for the fifth time that day. Apollo jumped up and determined to find the source of this noise, he started tearing through his cluttered room. After a while of searching, he gave up and returned to his book. About an hour later the noise came again. Apollo searched again and when he still could not find the source, he sat on the ground and pondered for a moment. The ground suddenly started to shake, rocks fell from the cave walls, the stacks of books, that line the room, tumbled over, and a quarter-sized hole appeared on Apollos floor. Apollo crawled over and examined the tiny hole in his floor, but there seemed to be nothing unusual about it.

Day 1

It had been one day since the hole appeared in Apollo's floor and he had all but forgotten about it. Apollo was going about his day as usual. Mostly just reading but he had some chores, and he was supposed to meet up with his best friend, Aster. Today they were going to meet up in the far west side of the Green Mountain Range. Upon arrival, back at his house, Apollo began to smell a foul smell, it only got stronger as he neared his room. When he stepped through his door, the smell became unbearable. There was a green fog coming in through the hole in the floor and it smelled like rotting food. Apollo tried everything to stop the smell and plug the hole, but nothing seemed to work. The smell somehow got through, or the hole swallowed the plug. It was impossible to stop and the smell was unbearable. After hours of trying Apollo finally came to the conclusion, that he should determine what was causing the horrendous smell. So he wrapped a cloth around his snout and bent over. The hole was barely big enough to see through. Apollo got as close to the hole as possible but with the smell and how short his neck was, he could only get so close. As he glanced through this quarter-sized hole in his floor, he saw something extraordinary. A new World, unbeknownst to Apollo, lay just below his feet.

Day 2

As the clock struck midnight on the second day, the hole began to grow. The next morning Apollo woke to find the air still filled with the awful smell. Apollo began to get up and stepped off his bed, but he did not land on the floor. Suddenly darkness consumed him.  

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2020 ⏰

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