Break Room

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Monday arrived for the Dunder Mifflin employees, much to the dismay of many of them. Jim was excited to see Dwight again, but would be lying if he said he was prepared for a week of selling paper. Jim rubbed his blurry eyes as he entered the building. "Hey Erin" Jim yawned out, greeting the receptionist. "Hey Jim, I have some new candy laid out for this week" Erin replied, Jim smiled back at her and thanked her for the candy update. Dwight was already at his desk and Jim would be lying to himself if he wasn't a little nervous to talk with him. He realized that there was only so long he could stall in front of the reception desk, so he gathered his will to go to his desk. He set his bag on top of his chair, shrugging his jacket off. "Hey Dwight, had a good weekend?" Jim asked, "hey Jim, yeah I did, how about you?" replied Dwight with a slight smile on his face. "Pretty good" Jim replied with a cheerful smile on his face. Dwight nodded at this and returned to his work. Jim gave his signature "Jim face" to the camera, as he sat down. 

The day went by uneventfully. The staff was swamped with their own work, as well as dealing with Michael's numerous conference meetings. By lunchtime Jim was absolutely exhausted and wishing he was at home watching tv, instead of at the office. He made his way to the kitchen, tossing his lunch on the table. As he got out his ham and cheese sandwich and carrot sticks, Dwight made his way into the kitchen. "Hey Jim, can I sit with you?" Dwight asked, not quite making eye contact with the other man. "Of course" Jim said. Dwight smiled at Jim before sitting down and starting to eat his lunch. The atmosphere was a little strained, mostly because Dwight was still a little vary of Jim. Dwight was a little worried that because it was a new week, Jim would return to his old ways of humiliating him, so he had chosen to busy himself with work and avoid any too close interactions with Jim. He could not help himself though from sitting with Jim. He looked absolutely tired and everyone knew a good prank could only be done when someone was well rested, so maybe Dwight was safe. He decided to take the risk, especially with what he was about to do. "I, um have something for you" Dwight says bashfully. Jim furrowed his eyebrows in surprise, "what's that Dwight?" asked Jim, curiosity lacing his words. Dwight responded to this by putting a pack of Chips Ahoy cookies on the table. "Hey Dwight, thanks! this is great I really appreciate it!" Jim said, excitement evident in how he expressed himself. "It was no problem. It's just cookies" Dwight said scoffing, trying to downplay his actions. He felt pleasantly happy at making Jim happy, but Jim did not need to know that. Jim just smiled at Dwight, his fair cheeks heated up with a light blush. 

The two carried on their lunch, making small talk about Dwight's farm. "How about we split the cookies?" asked Jim, a cheeky grin on his face. Dwight normally would refuse because he knew how bad trashy foods were for him, but seeing the boyish, cute look on Jim's face stopped Dwight from denying him. Dwight agreed to the cookies, but not before scolding himself for calling Jim cute, even if it was in his head. The two ate the cookies, the noises from around the office and the fluorescent lights seemed to blur into the background. It was just the two of them, sitting content with each other, just enjoying each other's company. The peaceful mood came to an end with Michael bursting into the kitchen. 

"Jim, Dwight! I need you guys to go on a sales call Wednesday" Michael said, explaining who, where, and what the potential clients were. Jim just sat back in his chair, a bored expression on his face. Michael was speaking fast and giving them too much information for something he could be telling them at another time. Dwight did not seem to mind, his notepad already out, frantically scribbling notes down. "Got it Jimbo?, good, it's a good day. Oh Stanley, happy Monday" Michael said making his way over to bother Stanley who had just entered the kitchen and was already trying to make his way out. Jim slowly blinked his yes, shaking his head at his over energized boss. "It's been a while since we've been on a sales call" Jim noted. "Yes" Dwight replied seriously. "We will need to come up with new identities. Since they are a family business, we will have to go as brothers" Dwight said, looking down at this notes. The thought of pretending to be brothers with his crush was not ideal for Jim at all and if anything seemed like a huge step backwards. "How about instead, we go as ourselves?" Jim offered. He tried to put a convincing face on, the face he reserved for clients he was trying to convince to buy recycled paper or whatever the company was pushing. "Jim, use your head. That wouldn't work" Dwight replied exasperated. He suddenly got up, "I got to start preparing for Wednesday" and with that he rushed out of the kitchen. Jim sat there astounded at how quickly that whole situation got out of his hands. "I-" he said to the camera, before giving up on even trying to figure out where he went wrong and deciding to get up and begin working again. 

The sales call wasn't until Wednesday, but Dwight was busy formulating a plan, while Jim was having a mini-mental breakdown over having to pretend to be brothers for a whole day with Dwight. Pam noticed her friend seemed a little more stressed then usual so she messaged him.

Pam: Hey, what's going on?

Jim: I have to go on a sales call with Dwight and we have to pretend to be brothers. How do I get him to see me as more then just someone he works with and instead someone who he could be in a relationship with, if we are pretending to be brothers for a whole day?!

Pam: Okay calm down. It's not that big of a deal. You guys have pretended to be brothers before and it didn't change anything between you guys right? This is no different and if anything you guys can spend more time together. 

Jim: Stop being right all the time Pam.

Pam smiled at this and mouthed to Jim "you're being dramatic again." Jim pretended to be shocked, and mouthed back "me?" Pam rolled her eyes and yelled "yes!" The whole office jumped at this, the office was usually quiet after lunch and Pam was interrupting that. Jim shook his head at her and pretended to be disappointed. "Stanley is trying to sleep Pamela" Jim said in the most serious voice he could muster. "Sorry" squeaked out Pam, putting her head down. Jim laughed once again and began to work. Pam was right. Jim could either wallow in self-pity or he could make the best of the situation and have a great sales call with Dwight. Jim decided he would do the latter. 

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