Chapter 3 - New Opportunity

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Finally exams are over.

I can feel relaxed as if the weight is off my shoulders. I walked out of the examination hall and headed straight to the nearest cafe where I promised to meet Naziya after the exam.

As I entered the cafe the familiar smell of brew coffee hit my senses and I went and sat on my usual place, in the corner where the window offers the view of the outside world.

Naziya is still not here so I went ahead and placed my order for a cold coffee and a cheese sandwich. I am starving at this point because I skipped my breakfast as always.

Suddenly a message tone draws my attention to my phone. I saw a message from Naziya.

"I'm sorry. I'll be late. Caught up in something. I'll explain later"

I shook my head knowing exactly where she must got busy. Her classmates are planning for a party tonight and she loves to be around people always finding reason to have fun.

Exactly opposite of me.

I texted her back saying I'll leave within 30 minutes as I still have to report to the hospital for my internship.

Naziya is going to be a dentist while I am going to be a surgeon. We are from different departments but we met at fresher party in the first year of college. And ever since she's been with me. 

My food was served and I enjoyed it with peace. I am not antisocial but sometimes I want to spend time alone with myself.

"Excuse Ma'am", I looked up from my food to see a teenage boy holding a bouquet of red roses. The flowers were beautiful bringing a smile on my face.

"This is for you". I gave him a questioning look as I took the flowers from his hand. "Who are you and why are you giving me this....."

Before I could ask him anything, he just ran away, I called him out a few times but he didn't turned back and left the cafe.

This is weird.

I looked at the flowers and saw a white note on it.

Beautiful flowers for a beautiful lady. Red is my favourite colour. I hope you like it too.

Your admire

I immediately looked around the cafe and watched outside the window to find that boy who gave this to me.

Who is this person and why is he sending me flowers. Is it someone I know?


My heart skipped a beat as that thought settled in my mind. I haven't seen him for 4 years. Is he really here?

Once again I looked around the cafe, this time especially looking for Zeeshan but I didn't find him or any other familiar face.

This cafe is very near to my college, mostly this place is only filled with our college students so maybe someone is just messing with me.

The flowers are beautiful and the message is also not inappropriate. Maybe I'm just thinking too much.

I kept the note aside and completed my food. Suddenly my phone started ringing, for a second I panicked thinking it might be the one who just send these flowers but sighed in relief when I saw the hospital number flashing on the screen.

This must be urgent.

I answered the call immediately. I was informed of an emergency case so I left the cafe in a hurry. Leaving the flowers on the table as it was huge and I just couldn't take it to the hospital with me.

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