The Weight of it All

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¡¡Just an FYI!! The ending parts of this chapter can get a little INTENSE. I will give a bolded warning like this one before things get intense (the intensity includes details of the war and its true consequences on the people who fought in it) and maybe too much for some people. In the end of the chapter I'll give a brief recap of what happened for those of you who chose to skip parts of the chapter. Again this is just at the ENDING parts of the chapter)

Chewie roared and started running to the landing when he heard the sound of the Falcon coming into range of the base. Finn, smiled as he looked up at the ship when it came into view, it's landing gear hissing as it neared the ground.

Finn left his current post and jogged over, careful to dodge BB-8 as he flew by, waiting expectantly for his master to walk out of the ship.

However, it was never clear to Finn as to who BB-8 was more excited to see: was it Rey or Poe?

Rey made her way out of the Falcon, and smiled when Chewie gave her a kind greeting and immediately jumped to asking questions about the ship's condition. The Wookie was reluctant when Rey wanted to take the Falcon but he trusted Rey, not so much Poe. Poe broke that trust when he light speed skipped the Falcon once before.

"Hey! How'd it go? Do you have a lightsaber? Can I see it?" Finn said jogging up to Rey. Poe had appeared from the ship and smiled at Finn as he settled to stand next to Rey.

"It went fine, I met a really cool person named Kleptu and she helped me make this," Rey unhooked her lightsaber from her belt loop and handed it to Finn.

"Wow," Finn breathed in awe, while he turned it in his hand to study it. "You made this? And isn't this part of your staff?"

"Yeah, with guidance I was able to put it together."

"Can we see it activated?" Finn asked with eyes wide with curiosity and excitement.

"Can I interrupt and ask how everything has been while I was gone first?" Poe butted in, directing his attention to Finn. Rey nodded.

"Everything has been fine, and very peaceful around here." Finn replied.

"And the Med-" Poe began

"-fine." Finn interrupted, but his eyes were not telling the truth. Finn glanced at Rey and then back at Poe, concern in his eyes. Poe got the message and understood.

Ever since the war, the medical wing has struggled to keep up and they had been working on trying to get as much supplies and help they could get. Rey, was still unaware of the devastation of the medical wing and Poe hoped that she wouldn't have to hear of another burden to worry about. Rey had just faced her biggest demons and finally killed the people responsible for the pain and loneliness she felt as a child. Poe knew that she didn't need this worry too.

"Good we'll talk later Finn, but for now, I think we all want to see this brand new lightsaber."

Rey smiled and activated the device in her hands. A bright yellow glow reflected on her face as the saber came to life.

"I've never seen a yellow one before. It's kind of like a ray of sunshine isn't it? No pun intended." Finn said in awe and smiled at his cheesy joke at the end.

Rey shook her head at Finn and deactivated the saber, placing it on her belt again.

Still smiling Finn opened his mouth to speak, "Okay, well, Poe I'd like to show you some of the things I've been working on... if you don't mind that I steal him."

"Sure, I'll meet up with you guys later?" Rey asked

"Sounds like a possibility, I'm sure Rose would like to hear about your trip too, and I would like the whole story of what it was like to make a saber."

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