Just An Otter Night

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Just An Otter Night

By Raymora Mayven

Kitsunaki stared blankly at the letter he held in his paws. While the message was clear, and so was its reasoning, he could still feel the gloom and desipre swelling within him. He had wished that the recent weather wouldn't interfere with his family's visit, but that dream had been crushed under the weight of the unforgiving storm that overcame the lands.

The folf sighed, letting the message fall on to the table, next to the bowl of oranges that he was eating, trying to fight back the tears that were building within his eyes.

"It's pointless to cry," he mutters with a sigh, slumping into the wooden chair. Winter was the only time he had a break from his work; it was rough living on his own for so long. Every year, Kit's family comes down to visit for the winter. It was the only time he was able to see them.

And for the first time in years, Kit would be alone for the winter.

A dim lantern sat at the center of the table, the only light source he had other than the occasional flash of lightning that shined through the windows of his humble cabin. Sounds of the creaking walls echoed throughout the small building, for a moment Kit wondered if the walls were strong enough to withstand the force of the excellerating winds.

As if the day wasn't bad enough.

There wasn't anything Kit could do now, nightfall had already taken place and this storm wouldn't allow him to leave his own home. With nothing more to do but fall deeper into his sorrows, the folf laid his head upon the table; there was no point in trying to sleep, as the storm would keep him awake all night.

Knock, knock, knock.

Kitsunaki flinched in his chair, snapping upright and jerking his head towards the source of the noise. It wasn't the usual torrenting winds that he grew accustomed to, no. This was too natural, far to deliberate.

Knock, Knock, knock.

This time, Kit was able to hear where it was coming from, and shuddered from fear. Another series of knocks was heard, with more intensity and volume than before. There was no doubt: someone was at his door.

Who would be crazy enough to be outside during such an event? He wondered, slowly standing from the chair. Kit wasn't expecting someone, which made him paranoid as he approached the door. Anyone could be out there, killers, robbers or even worse. Still, what if it was someone who needed help? Could he really turn a blind eye to someone in need? The orange folf peered outside his window, hiding a majority of his body within his room in case he needed to hide.

Rain poured down upon the window, along with the darkness of the night it was quite hard to see outside. However, Kit noticed gray blur standing in front of his door, tapping again with increased vigor. A strange blue glow emanating from the top of the creature.

He felt bad for the poor creature, sitting out there in the cold of the storm. Whatever the right decision was, Kit wasn't going to let them suffer any longer.

The door swung open the moment he unlocked it, the force of the wind and the strange creature rushing inside.

"Brrr! It is really cold out there." he squealed. It was an ottercat, one not much taller than Kit and seemed to carry an aura of energy around him. Gray fur covered his body, with a patch of brown under his neck. But what really stood out about him, was both his hair and his eyes glowed bright blue.

Kit said nothing, only watching as the ottercat ran across his living room, leaving a trail of water and mud in his wake. It wasn't going to be fun to clean that up, but for some reason, he couldn't bring himself to speak.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2020 ⏰

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