Chapter 1.5

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After he lost consciousness he felt like he was drifting through a river of a viscous feeling liquid that flowed slowly. He felt as if he was melting into the liquid and this lasted for what seemed like days. He regularly just wanted to die, he couldn't sleep, he couldn't move, he couldn't see, all he could do is float to wherever he was heading. Eventually he felt inseparable and fused with the unending flow and just as he was about to accept his fate to fade away in the darkness alone when a forgotten voice rang out to him "La... Landon... Landon wake up!"

Then his eyes flung open, the light flooded his eyes. He shielded his eyes until he started to adjust. an excited voice yelled out from his immediate left "Lord Solomon he's awake!!"

When he could see better he looked around, to his left was a little girl with long black hair and large green eyes that slightly glowed. She seemed very young, she had pale skin and somewhat Asian features. She was in a black baggy sweater with a white shirt and black leggings. To his right sat Reina who had changed into a more flowing white dress with black flower pattern. She stared at him with a cold indifferent look before saying bluntly "You've made Lord Solomon wait far too long sleeping. Our lord has eagerly awaited to speak with you for some reason."

"Uhh. Ok." Landon said as she got up and leered over at him.

The little girl jumped up on the bed and then into the air, coming down with her knees smashing into Landons stomach. He jolted upright and began to cough and groan while she laughed to the point she fell "Your face was so funny A.O.S."

"A.O.S.? The fuck?" Landon asked, irritated when he could finally breathe.

She giggled again and answered with such a twisted smile "Well for now youre the Ace of Spades, getting to know your name is pointless as things are. We'll see if youre still alive after Alby-senpai gets tired of you in a fews weeks." after that she laughed and ran toward the large door and instructed him "Ya gotta get up now and meet Alby-senpai and Lord Solomon"

He stared at her in confusion before getting up, he felt a breeze and he shivered. He looked himself over and saw he was in nothing but brown shorts and his necklace. He hung his head and asked her before she got out the door "Where is my clothes?"

"Ohh yea you wouldn't want to meet Lord Solomon like that Alby-senpai wouldn't like that. Well they should be in the closet over there." She said and took off.

He sighed and poked around the closet only to find the same black peacoat, weird grey compression shirt with some burgundy accents, and black dress pants were the only thing that lined the inside. At the bottom was nothing but shelves of black socks, black boxers, and black combat boats. He sighed again and grabbed everything but the peacoat and threw it on. When he got into the hall he saw the little girl tapping her feet, he looked at her with the most annoyed look on his face "Where am I supposed to meet that Solomon guy?"

Her cheer drained from her face and she punched him in the abdomen, the impact lifted him off his feet. He landed on his hands and knees a few feet back, she just said "It's Lord Solomon."

"F..Fuck you.." he responded, his usual cowardice was gone instead a fire erupted in in his stomach. He was more pissed off then hed ever been before.

"Oho! Maybe Alby-senpai won't get you, I dont think you're going to be alive much lon-" she didn't get to finish before Landon was in her face. She went to kick him and back away but he grabbed her knee and squeezed. She cried out in pain, she went to punch him to get him to release but instead he moved out of the way at the last second. Before she even realized she missed he had a hold of her neck and drove her into the wall.

He held her off her feet as he scowled at her "Listen here you little loli demon bitch, don't fucking touch me again. I can't stand you already and we just met." Don't go around thinking you're hot shit." he threw her to the side, he sneered at her "Where is Solomon?"

Then as if conjured by the utterance of his name Solomon was behind him. He leaned over Landons shoulder and said "WOW that's the most dramatic shift a contract has ever had. Seems like I was right about you." Landon turned quickly in shock, Solomon threw his hands up feigned fear and shock. Then he smiled and put his hands down "Didn't mean to scare you just happened to hear you ask about me. I told Natsuki to be nice but I take it that's not how it played out. Also where is Reina? She was supposed to be with Natsuki."

"She left as soon as I awoke telling me I'd made you wait long enough. As if the endless drifting and mind-numbing melting into the viscous void was a nice nap. As for her she was violent from the beginning. I knew you were probably a nobleman but the bitch wanted me to call you lord but didn't tell me until after she gut punched me off my feet." Landon spoke calmly but was still clearly enraged.

"Tch. Reina... She really isn't that bad, I guess she just doesn't like you." Solomon laughed with a shrug, then he turned to Natsuki and began to scold her "As for you. You go on getting in fights with the head of your suit, the one you will listen to from now on with the obvious exception. Which must I remind you was a direct violation of an order I gave you? Don't be such a damn fool. You should count yourself lucky that he retains some of his more peaceful human personality or I'd probably need a new Queen of Spades."

"I'm so sorry my lord. He just doesn't seem trustworthy." Natsuki said as she shrunk back.

"If by trustworthy you mean subserviant then no, he'd be clearly not trustworthy. Solomon responded with a smile, he turned and put his hand on Landons shoulder and continued "Listen I'm not going to force you to call me lord, all I ask is you give me and my family a little more respect then you'd give your fellow deck-members."

"I haven't forgotten our deal. Youre the boss and it is only reasonable to treat your family as extensions of yourself. Now that that is cleared up I am gonna assume that you have a purpose for me. If I am gonna need to work along these fellow 'deck-members' I need to understand all the playing card talk and a little more about whats expected from me." Landon responded bluntly.

"Seems fair. Well why don't we go to my study and talk about it some more." Solomon gestured for Landon to follow. Before they left he turned to Natsuki "Now Natsuki I want you to go visit Eric and then have one of the staff send us some coffee."

She got up and nodded "Yes sir."

With that she turned and left holding the back of her neck. Landon loloked back at her and remarked "She is sure tough for her size, it felt like being hit with wrecking ball. I hope I can make it up to her if she is a subordinate of mine."

"Ohh. A benevolant leader I see." Solomon smiled and poked him in the arm.

Landon shook his head "No. I don't remember much from before the night I met you but I do remember that efficancy was important to me. If they believe in you and want to work for you then things will run smoother, makes a world of sense to me."

"Well that's certainly one way to look at." Solomon responded and rubbed his chin. He looked over at Landon and saw that he looked a little embareced, he pat him on the shoulder and chuckled "I think we'll get along alright."

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