The story of the dragon boy

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The year was age 715, in a lush and vibrant wood known as nemu Mori. A small hut with the kanji for family on the front was the only building for miles. Despite its small size it was rather lively.

Inside, a chubby  old man with a round face kind of like a monkey and a long almost whisker like mustache. was giggling to himself as he tried to drink his tea. Children running around the little hut as he just giggled and drank  clearly used to this. Meanwhile a woman much younger then the monkey faced man, with long red hair was  running around trying to get all of the children in this little hut to settle down.

"Grandfather can you please help, kumada will be back soon and we need to all settle for dinner." The woman would say before sighing in defeat. It was like this constantly.

"Oh come now you know as well as I do ringou that when the youngsters get like this it's best to simply let them run their course. Now have some tea once kumada gets back well....." the kind old man's words were interrupted as one of the children in their haste bumped into him causing him to spill his precious tea all over the yellow Changshan he always wore. Suddenly the man was gripped with a great fury, his soft face seemed to become hard and unforgiving, he slapped his hand on the table with an echoing boom. "Look what you children have done. Funs all well and good but when it inconveniences or causes trouble for other people you have to stop and make amends."

"Yes grandpa kizaru." The children would say almost in unison as suddenly like a switch was flipped they proceeded to clean up their mess and pour the old monkey man a new cup of tea, Which he drank happily.

"Ohh that's good, well no harm no foul and as soon as kumada returns we can eat. Oh that boy always wondering off." Grandpa kizaru would proceed to enjoy his tea.

    Wandering through the forest a fairly large,  well muscled mountain man walked through the sleeping forest. The trunk of a decent sized tree slung over his shoulder as he walked singing a little tune. Axe on his hip he was almost back to the hut he called home when he haired wails of fury from what sounded like a wild bear and footsteps drawing closer.

  The man gripped the trunk of the tree as if it was going to be a weapon as the bear approached only to see the bear was not a threat he was the victim. A small creature  with long claws and scaled skin wearing what seemed like a tattered sack as clothing. While attacking the bear it took the man a moment to realize the small creature was actually a small human boy.

The man rushed in grabbing the boy and prying him off the bear in one swift motion, gripping the flailing child and trying to get him to calm down. "Hey hey come on kid I know you're probably just scared but I've got you." The man would cradle the child in an embrace,  the bear looking at this man and the child that had been ripping and tearing at it and simply fled. The child on the other hand took this moment to change targets  biting into the man's arm with his sharp teeth his mouth full of fangs rather than usual human teeth.

The man would howl and grunt but would still hold on to the child. "Ok there you go get it out of your system. I'll take all that anger for you kid." The man was persistent and enduring and though it took quite some time and many wounds the young boy finally calmed down. "There now that wasn't so hard." The man would say letting go and finally getting a good look at the boy his beastly features slowly receding. The man had seen many peoples inner beast but he couldn't even tell what animal this boy had turned into.

"So kid what's your name? I'm kumada" the man now known to be kumada said trying to reach out and make peace with this strange feral child.

"......." the child would sit there silent just staring at the man for a moment. Before wiping the blood from his mouth. "My name is tiyang."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2020 ⏰

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