A sexy monster

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Chapter 2

Chad to the side—————————>

River's P.O.V
"I'm so tired"
August that was so good, I whispered dreamily.
"It was noon now".we fucked all morning I groaned.
"Well hun you weren't saying that 15 minutes ago". He said with his stupid smirk.

I shoved him off the bed. He fell with a loud thud and a groan.

"What was that for he protested", I got off the bed laughing while going to take a piss.

"You fairy"! he yelled while trying to get me.

I turned and give him the middle finger while rushing to the bathroom.

I took a shower and did my buisness before heading downstairs.

Remi was skyping her mom and griffin was talking to August.

"Guys we leave at 10" I told them

"Remi squealed and hang up on her mom". "I'm so excited to go out tonight with my best buds."She pinched my cheek and ran and jumped into griffin's lap.

"I dragged August out to our jacuzzi to talk", "but he keeps on kissing me and trying to fuck me".

" Lets talk"

Talk about what? He groaned


"whats there to talk about"? He frowned

"I like you and all you want is sex" i told him carefully not to upset him.

"River having sex is my job and I love to fuck",especially that tight ass of yours"
I'm just not ready for a commitment just yet, but i do have some feelings for you.

I was hurt. But i can't be its his choice and definitely his loss.

"so can we fuck now or what"? He said with his hazel eyes full of lust.

And we went for another round in the jacuzzi.


We were all ready to go to the new club a few blocks down.

Remi was excited as fuck but griffin was being little peice of shit.

"We dragged him to the car"

The three of us piled in the uber.

I am so gonna get stoned tonight because what August said was still replaying inside my head continuously like cardi b's annoying voice.

"We're here" Remi yelled

We piled out and we went inthe short line to enter the club.

When it was my turn to show the bouncer my ID. My mouth dropped to the floor.
"He was so fucking hot",my mouth was dry as sahara.

When he gave me back my ID.he winked at me and let me in.

Woah I need a drink.

I went straight for some tequila shots and slid them to my friends.

"Guys i'm going on the dance floor lets go" Remi dragged us

We were grinding on each other and laughing.

Until griffin was dancing with a redhead we wolf whistled.

"Get it griff griff" we shouted

"I was getting so dizzy from the shots and the beers"

I got off the dance floor

"Remi I need to go to the restroom ok" I told her while going to find the restroom.

When I finally found the stairs.

I went down the hall. I only saw rooms with strippers and all those shit.

I'm starting to feel even more dizzy and I feel like I'm gonna piss myself.

Until I found another door. I pushed the door open slightly in case there is another orgy going on.

When I finally pushed it fully open.

"I gasped so loud"!! I think I fainted for a second too.

I saw the sexiest man on gods fucking world. He has deep green eyes and don't let me start on that devious six pack.
He has brunette hair with blonde at the end and his simple white was begging for me to rip it off him.

"I was drooling."

"See something you like". He said in a deep husky voice. I was so turned on.

"I-i-i nee-d to use the ba-throo-m", I stuttered terribly.

"He chuckled", "cant resist me huh"

"you can always use my bathroom",he said coming closer.

He's so hot, but my defense was building up because I didn't know this sexy monster.

"my bathroom is right around the corner",he said with lust filling his eyes.

I was just taking in my sorroundings, I was in an office with leather furnitures and a mini bar and huge desk with a computer with led lights in the ceiling and the wood interior design.

"I went into the bathroom",it's gorgeous it's similar to the one at home but his is all black.

I finished my buisness and hurriedly walked back to the way I took before.
I stopped in my tracks when I heard his sexy voice talking to someone. I hid behind the wall eavesdropping on them in case he was a serial killer.I was their for a while until it dawned on me.


I walked out and shot for the door and ran as best as I can back to where I left Remi. He called after me but I didn't stop.

When I make it back Remi was passed out on some guy's lap. I dragged her out of the club and called for and uber.

But guess what I called 9-1-1 instead. Because when I'm drunk I'm stupid as fuck.

and the lady on the phone won't shut the fuck up so I shoved it into my back pocket.

But the hot bouncer who I learned his name is chad help us out and drop us home because his shift was over.

Griffin was getting some hopefully mind blowing sex. So we left him to do just that.

When we arrived I hugged chad and tell him thanks.

"Remember to call me river".

"O-kkkkk-k hunny I sure will", I Slurred and swiped my card to get inside our house.

"Remi is puking her guts out"

I dropped in my gorgeous bed Because I had work in the morning the last thing popped in my mind is dark green eyes until I was out.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2021 ⏰

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