A Cannibal in the Castle

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ABIGAIL HOBBS is a tough character to sort because she is so impressionable, first molded by her father and later by Hannibal (and to a lesser extent, Freddie Lounds and Will). The Slytherin qualities she shows are unmistakable, but they seem to arise out of necessity rather than being intrinsic to who she is: she's self-preserving because she's had to be and cunning to the point of manipulation for the same reason. However, she feels guilty about surviving when the other girls didn't and lacks the ambition characteristic of a Slytherin.

Ultimately, Abigail fits best in Ravenclaw. She is quick-witted and intelligent: she knows what to do to get herself out of tough situations, and she realized immediately that it was Hannibal who called her father. She is clever, curious, and perceptive: she sees through people's ruses, and she is unafraid to ask probing questions. She is also fiercely independent and eager to learn, whether it's hunting with her father, cooking or playing the harpsichord with Hannibal, or fishing with Will. She belongs in Ravenclaw.

ALANA BLOOM is one of the characters who seems to change the most over the course of the show. In season 1, she is kind, idealistic, and naive; in season 2, she is conflicted as to who or what she should believe; and by season 3, she is a cold and calculating badass. However, it could be argued that who she is and what drives her doesn't really change; it's how that manifests itself that changes.

Like many people on the show, Alana adapts Slytherin traits as a coping mechanism and to keep herself and her family alive. But at her core, Alana is a Hufflepuff. She desires to help people, which is why she became a psychiatrist and a consultant for the FBI. She chooses to see the best in people, even when faced with damning evidence (e.g. with Will and Hannibal), and is loyal to a fault, sticking to her guns until she has no choice but to look truth in the face. She is compassionate, hardworking, and dedicated, and highly values loyalty, determination, and patience, which makes her a textbook Hufflepuff. Most importantly, she feels guilty when she hurts people or values her own self-preservation over others', which is her Hufflepuff core shining through in season 3.

BEDELIA DU MAURIER would be sorted into Slytherin. While she possesses a heavy dose of Ravenclaw curiosity, ultimately, her Slytherin traits win out. She is cunning enough to figure out who Hannibal is, to keep his interest without letting him too far into her head, and to get herself out of the sticky situation in Italy without being arrested or eaten. In fact, her strong sense of self-preservation keeps her from being harmed by Hannibal until the very end, when Will presumably had a say in the matter. She is slick and resourceful, twisting situations to suit her needs and talking in circles so as not to incriminate herself. She is also ambitious, although she has a tendency to get cold feet (for example, changing her mind in Italy once Hannibal started killing people in front of her), which is often her self-preservation overriding her more dangerous ambitions.

BEVERLY KATZ is one of the only true Gryffindor characters on the show. She has nerve and a strong sense of determination and courage. She wants to do what's right, even if it's difficult, which includes investigating Will when he's in prison. She also has a tendency to put herself on the front lines and rush into things without thinking, which ultimately leads to her demise.

BRIAN ZELLER may seem hard to sort, but he is without a doubt in Hufflepuff. What he values most is hard work and patience, which is why Will rubs him the wrong way when he waltzes into the forensics lab and makes conclusions without concrete evidence. Brian is diligent, dedicated, and loyal, as well, even if sometimes that means being loyal to the evidence and doing what is best for the community at large.

A Cannibal in the Castle (A Harry Potter and Hannibal Crossover Analysis) ✓Where stories live. Discover now